This is your preblast for this Friday's (3/25) HTL Spearhead Training @GCC. I am going to provide all the information that you need in this Preblast. Anything else is information you WANT and likely will not be answered. #SorryNotSorry
- I am taking this very seriously, I expect you do as well. Treat it like the real event.
- If you want a PT test arrive early for it, I have a lot planned and plan to use every minute of it
- Start times: I can only guarantee we will be at GCC @ 0415 and 0515 if your late you may be left
- Start Point: 0415 Single Rank on sidewalk near the GCC Pond facing Statesville Rd Tallest to Shortest starting from the left.
- Ruck Weight; 35# Dry MINIMUM (Plate, Bricks, Sand, Widgets I don't care) if you want more weight be my guest
- Ruck Contents: Weight, Water Bladder 100% FULL, whatever else you want I dont care (NO FOOD UNLESS MEDICAL) DO NOT PACK ANYTHING THAT CAN"T GET WET
- I will only communicate with Team Leader during any team phase, anyone else including Asst TL will need to go through the Team Leader
- If you are wearing a watch for mileage tracking DO NOT CHECK TIME if I see anyone checking time that is mission failure and the team pays, Charleston Team knows what I mean. If you need to leave at a certain time let me know BEFORE what time and I will let you know when it is that time. If you do this you will be expected to actually leave, so don't use it as a way to know the time
- Clothing: I don't care, assume you will get wet and dirty so plan accordingly
- Shoes vs Boots: I don't care
- Being a Grey Man is not authorized
- End Time is 0615 I will not be leaving early as I have in the past