01.10.2018 Halflife Preblast

Date & Time

Jan 10, 2018


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Tomorrow morning we shift our focus from shorter intervals on the track to longer road intervals. On paper the workout is 6 x 1 mile with .25 mile rest at a pace that is roughly 10-15 seconds faster than your goal marathon pace. For example, if you're aiming for 9:00/mile pace in the marathon, you should run the faster portions of the workout at 8:45 pace. Recovery jogs should be at an easy pace.

This is a longer workout than our previous track sessions, and you should plan accordingly. For a 9:00/mile marathon runner I suggest departing BRP at 0450 for the complete workout. For a 7:00/mile marathon runner a 0500 start will do. This staggered launch allows everyone to finish the workout together at 0615.

Route: Mile warm up from BRP, starting at the "guard shack" at the entrance to Bailey Springs. https://goo.gl/W8sugw

  • Start: Meetinghouse
  • R on Hazelbrook
  • L on Meetinghouse
  • End: Meetinghouse where you started

The route linked above is one mile. When you're finished with the fast mile, recover by running into the Hough HS bus parking lot for 0.12 miles, then run back out another 0.12 miles the guard shack to begin the second fast mile. Repeato until finished. After the 6th repetition, cool down back to the BRP lot. You don't need to add another quarter mile recovery jog here.

NOTE: If you are pressed for time or not quite ready to tackle the entire workout, please consider joining us and making one of the following modifications:

  1. Run fewer mile repeats (example: 3 x 1 mile)
  2. Run for time instead of miles (example: 6 x 5:00 with 1:30 jog)

Regardless of your goals, there is something for you at Halflife! For the next 8 weeks I will continue to provide the workouts, but you choose your own adventure. 0500 too early? Then launch at 0530 and come find us in Bailey Springs. No matter your goals, you will find someone to push you in the gloom. Stop thinking about it and just show up already.