What/When: The week of June 11th, we’re making an intentional effort to invite FNGs to F3. Call it #OperationHeadlock
Who: All PAX of F3 Lake Norman – past, present, and future.
We’d like to encourage everyone to invite at least 2 FNGs/Kotters to a workout this week. But please, if possible, go a step above and beyond that. If you can get a guy out before June 11th, GREAT, but we all know it sometimes takes a week or more for an FNG to get their mind right.
Where: Every F3 Lake Norman AO
Why: We have all been given a gift, and all that is asked of us is to "Give It Away".
EH the Sad Clowns of LKN
Where to Find FNGs & Kotters –
Kotters are easy, does the guy who EH'd you still post? If not, bring him back out. Do the guys you used to always workout with still post? No? You get the idea…
FNGs? A little harder, but start with your friends. You've probably already told them about F3, but use this "FNG Week" as the excuse to really tighten the headlock. Guilt can be a powerful motivator in these circumstances.
Neighbors: Does your hood have a monthly newsletter? A Facebook page? Use the NextDoor app? These are great places to drop a note.
Kids friends' dads: School, Sports, Church. Outside of work, these are possibly the men you interact with the most. Simply ask if they've been invited in the past, and if they'd be interested.
Church groups: Do you know pastor with a congregation in need of F3? Are you that pastor? Your social media, emails, and newsletters have EHd many PAX in the past. The week of June 11th gives us a chance to do it again.
I’m sure there are plenty of other ways to EH the men of Lake Norman. Above is just what we brainstormed. If you’ve got other ideas, share them in the comments below, the region would love to hear them.
A Reminder of How to Treat an FNG:
Post with him at his first workout. Offer him a ride if you can. Stay with him and encourage him during the first workout. Introduce him to others and involve him in the mumble chatter.
Afterwards, ask him when he can post again! Invite him for a coffee, right then or later that day / week. Make him feel welcome. Make it obvious that this is the thing he’s been missing.
Tell him about your favorite workout the next day. Explain how lucky we are to have F3 in our lives, and we hope he’ll feel the same way. Invite him to 2nd F and 3rd F events.
Really, just do what you always do.
Additionally, a piece to be read/paraphrased at COT when FNGs post:
FNG. Friendly new guy. Maybe you have doubts about F3. Maybe you were nervous today. Maybe you’re not sure if you can keep doing this.
We will push you. You will get fitter. You will get faster. You will get stronger. Before long you’ll forget about the nerves and the doubts.
But we need you more than you need us. More than you can know.
Welcome to F3.
Hit up any of the guys listed on this #PB for business cards, flyers, and/or more info.
BackBlast Data Kotter Hit List: Olaf, TickTock, Ty Webb, Raven, Tipper, Cornwallis, Spare, Mini Me, Master Po, Sponge Bob, Denim, Valet, Smash, Oldies, Gang Green, Nittany, Frontier, Cyclone, Grape Ape, Gumby, Capone, DriveThru, Jorts, School Bus, Croc, Easy, Honeymoon, Hallelujah, Shoe, Catfish, Iron CIty, Magnum, Frisbee, Amoeba, Goodell, Striker, Devo, Wild Thing, Bandit, Tailhook, Country Club, Ginsu, Dino, Peaches, Mary K, Dill, Glitch, OBC, Slugger, Mary Jane, Fillet, NiteStick, West Side, 704, Skywalker, Junk, Grinch, Monkey Nut, Grand Prix, Rock Lobster, Big Bird, Lex Luther, Curd, Fidel, Stout, Footer, Estee Lauder, Thor, Lincoln, BurVegas, Shotz, Julius, Murdock, Venus, Evinrude, Grease Monkey, Chewie, Grouch, Curly, Packer, Spice Rack, Wing Nut, PrimeTIme, Dr Evil, Palin, Captain America, Dryhop, Pine Tar, Candy, Lomax, Moonlight, Scud, Knocked Up, Quik Stop, Agent Orange, Bogey, Izzy, Red Cedar, LoudenSwain, Paul Bunyan, Madden 24, BFO – Blueberry Flavored Ocean Spray, Crude, Hipster, Flatley, Plank, Skipper (MECA), Journey, Dory, Shortbus, GottaGuy, SnapOn, Drumstick, Friday, Sunshine, Fiddy, Starkist, Fiddler, Spartacus, DavyCrockett, Doodle, Flavus, Wipeout, Hawkeye, Moe, Roids, The Iron Man, Baby Back, Sanford, Butterstick, Marshmallow, Haagen-Dazs, Tiny, Alpha Bravo, Captain Caveman, Left Turn, Lettuce Wrap, The Worm, Maxwell House, Burnt Endz, Swedish Fish, Three Mile Island, Chinny, Ghost Hunter, The Hangover, Nero, Coed, Ms Pac Man, Tweeter, Kringle, Willy Wonka, Chef Boyardee, Madoff, Mad Money, Geronimo, Little Professor, Chainsaw, Kevlar, Mule, Blaze, Fillmore, Big Perm, Sparty, Blinky, High Roller, Beach, Ezekiel, Yorkie, The Dude, Torque, Miyagi, Macho Man, Reload, Yo-Yo