F3LKN Q-Source Leadership Training: Starting the first week in January and following the F3 Leadership Podcast, the Q-Source Leadership training “workouts” will begin to help you learn and master the F3 Leadership philosophy. Confirmed as of 1/1, the following Q-Source workouts are scheduled:
- The Berean: Mondays @ 4:45am, Birkdale Village Starbucks
- Emmaus: Fridays @ 5:00am, Birkdale Village Starbucks
- Davidson Q-Source Fridays @ 6:15am, Summit Coffee
- Q-Source: Saturdays @ 8;15am, Huntersville Waterbean
- Links to the F3 Podcast:
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/f3-nation/id1218921251
Android: https://m.soundcloud.com/f3nation
Link to the “jerky” with the Q-Source introduction: https://f3lakenorman.com/jerky/f3-q-source-leadership-philosophyleadership-manual
Link to the Q Source folder is: http://bit.ly/f3lkn_qsource