THE Meatlocker 1 yr Anniversary Celebration

11 men joined YHC on Insurrection Day to celebrate the 1yr anniversary of THE Meatlocker.  YHC was coming with a surprise for the group of men who decided to brave the drive to this special Beatdown.  What a fine group to have this morning.  Clark was there and he was early so we started with:



Tempo Windmills 10 IC

Grady Corn 25 IC

Goofballs 15 IC



Meat Locker became an OTB AO on January 6th, 2021

Named 2 PAX- Jon Bon on January 13th and Einhorn on Febuary 24th

Meat Locker became an official Denver AO on April 21, 2021

Meat Locker was presented with Shovel Flag on September 22, 2021


YHC wanted to honor those PAX that Q'd throughout the year at THE Meatlocker

Strudel- January 27, 2021

Parking Space Suicides

  • Run 3 spaces, do 10 merkins, Bear Crawl Back to start
  • Run 6 spaces, do 10 merkins, Carioca back to start
  • Run 9 spaces, do 10 merkins, Carioca opposite direction back to start.


Coat Factory- Febuary 17, 2021

Hill Sprints

  • Sprint to top of hill beside baseball field, do 5 lunges (2 is 1) at the top
  • Mosey to bottom, do 5 lunges (2 is 1) 
  • repeato for total of 3 reps


Country Livin- Febuary 24, 2021

Parking Lot Burpees

Find a partner and do the following

  • PAX 1 does AMRAP burpees while PAX 2 moseys to first median in parking lot and back
  • PAX 2 does AMRAP burpees when returning while PAX 1 moseys to median and back.
  • Continue to a PAX reaches opposite side of parking lot an back


Short Sale-April 21, 2021


  • Start with 5 of each exercise, run a small lap, then decrease by 1 each circuit
  • M- Block Merkins
  • O- Overhead press
  • U- Up and over
  • N- Nose Curls
  • T- Tricep Pulls- Bent over rows


Jon Bon – March 10, 2021

Farmers Carry

  • PAX farmer carry 2 blocks ~100m and do 10 merkins.  Not enough blocks so those without blocks farmers carried back to start.


Mulligan – November 17, 2021

Block work

  • 15 curls IC
  • 15 Shoulder press IC
  • 15 Bent over rows IC
  • 15 skull Crushers IC
  • Carry blocks up ramp to return them


Bertha – March 24, 2021

48s- (we didnt do 48 though- time restrictions)

  • 8 burpees OYO
  • 8 dips IC
  • 8 Monkey Humpers IC
  • 8 dips IC
  • 8 Monkey Humpers IC


Mary – sorta

Finkle – September 22, 2021

11's (really 6's) 

  • 5 WW1's on one end of arbor, mosey to other end and do 1 WW1, 
  • Continue the ladder, decreasing by 1 on one end and increasing by one on other end.


Mosey to launch

Scripture: And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another.  Hebrews 10:25

What I have found is that this scripture rings true of F3.  F3 encourages PAX meeting together and for the group to be faithful, have fellowship, and to be fit.   Today, we meet here to do all 3 as we share in the celebration of the AO.  The second F is coffee and donuts sponsored by Dolittle as an appreciation for showing up to celebrate and encourage me to be faithful, fit, and share in fellowship.



Mumble Chatter was persistant this morning, but YHC was focused on not screwing up the beatdown

YHC hopes that he represented each Q well.  I do appreciate all those that came to THE Meatlocker this year.

Mater agreed that we shouldn't do Bow and Arrow from Coat Factory's Q because our feet got wet.

During Farmer's Carry, YHC was informed that we live in America, we don't measure in meters. Clark or Hefty?

Mary is not supposed to be running.  Sorry!  Clark I believe said that.

Honored Bertha with plenty of Burpees

Thrift shop made it to 2 AOs this morning

Overhead press and shoulder press are evidently the same thing.

Marker was spot on with his PB, Thanks.

Coffee and Donuts were a hit.

Plenty of other MC that I cannot remember!

To those PAX present today, THANK YOU for making this celebration a success.  To those PAX who weren't there this am, come see us at THE Meatlocker some time!

Mater, thanks for being there this year and sticking this thing out! We will continue to pray that we can bring in more PAX to this AO.  

Thanks for the letting me lead! It was my honor

Dr. Dolittle