Muscle Beach Spa Day

Event Date

Jan 05, 2022

6 studs appeared for a beatdown.


SSH, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Toy Soldiers, Arm Circles

The Thang:

20 reps of the following exercises with dumbbells.  4 rounds were completed.

  • OH Pull Crunch
  • 1,1,2 Curls
  • Scaption Crunch
  • Lunge Curls
  • CH Bridge Press
  • Mason Twist
  • Boat Press


  • Welcome back Rambler, great to see you this am!
  • "Spa Day" at Muscle Beach is coined from the phrase that 911 used this morning concerning the pads that he has been using at the workouts.  "It's pampering to the coccyx".  His marketing strategies that he has ramped up this morning appears to be working because Rambler had an identical pad he used to work out on, LOL!
  • Chatter increased dramatically as soon as Slow Roll appeared.  Grip and Slow Rolls competition for attendance is at a feverish pitch with the beginning of a New Year.  Slow's attendance has officially doubled Grips (2-1) so now Slow Roll has a commanding lead!.  Grip vows with all of the vacation, etc coming this spring and summer, that he will surpass his fellow F3'ers.  Grip acknowledges however that there are many "off the book" workouts that attendance is not counted.  Funny stuff out there this am, much chatter.
  • COVID has ramped up, and talk about working at home vs. going to the office came up.  Schwin's theory is that everyone should return to work uptown, congregate by the coffee machines, go to the vending machines and buy all the snacks, everyone get Omnicrom, so we hurry up and get herd immunity,   Sounds like a pretty valid point, haha.  Everyone is going to eventually get it anyway more than likely the way it's going.  911 suggested that Schwinn sell at home tests in his machines, I think we're on to something here!
  • Strong work by all today.  Good work gents!
  • Prayers go out to local families who have lost family members recently.