Cold Ball + Double Rim = No Bucket

Event Date

Jan 08, 2022


4 PAX rolled out of bed, left our nice warm cars, and endured the morning chill for quite possibly the worst display of free throw shooting ever witnessed.   But we tried.  And we ran.  A lot.  Here's what we did:

Quick warm-up at the launch point: SSH, Toy Soldier, IST, Long Snapper

Mosey to basketball courts:

Since there were 4 of us, each round of 4 shots (one each) would include a combination of an exercise and suicides.  

First round:  Jersey Boy – miss; 10 merkins, 1 full suicide; Mr. Holland – miss; 2 rounds of merkins and suicides; Possum – miss; 3 rounds of merkins and suicides; Waffle House – miss; 4 rounds of merkins and suicides.  So for that round, we had 100 merkins and 10 suicides.  Ouch.

Second round was 15 squats with a modified suicide (half court and back, full court and back);  I think we made 2 of 4 shots, so not as bad.

Third round – 10 WW2 with modified suicide.  Made 1 of 4?

Then we did a speed round, so the misses did not accumulate;  if you missed, we did the exercise and one full suicide.  If you made it, exercise only.  Exercises by round: dips, bear squats.

Then we did a burpee challenge:  5 free throws each;  2 burpees for each miss.  Minimum number of burpees done was 6.  🙂

Mosey back to launch, and Ramrod had been rucking and joined us for COT.  So I added him to the backblast for his efforts.  


– Proverb of the day:  Cold ball plus double rim equal no bucket (unless you swish)

– I was encouraged early on when the PAX complimented my pace for the SSH.  Nice and brisk.  Get the blood flowing.

– It's always fun to work in a little competition.  Mr. Holland had insinuated on Twitter he might miss on purpose so we had to run.  Not necessary, and once you miss a couple shots, pride/ego takes over and you are really trying hard to make it!

– Modifying the suicides was necessary to prevent merlot.  I felt pretty close after we finished the merkins!  We still got in over 2.6 miles.

– Great group – and a fine coffeteria after with coffee and donuts at the HT Antiquity.  Thanks men!