Crowd Pleaser

YHC arrives at the STANG at 0525 to find Marker do a preworkout meditation in his car.  7 more PAX arrive to see what is in store for them in the Beatdown, including Clark, who is ON TIME. 0530, we begin.


  • Right over left
  • left over right
  • down the middle
  • SSH 20 IC (for Clark)
  • Goofballs 10 IC (for Mater)
  • Windmills 10 IC
  • Cotton Pickers 10 IC
  • lap around mustang


Meet at the corner at top of parking lot near tennis court.

Triple Nickle

  • mosey to corner at top of parking lot closest to gym, do 5 burpees
  • mosey back to start and do 5 merkins
  • repeat for 4 more repetitions

Mosey to corner where we performed burpees

  • mosey to bottom in front of gym and do 5 jump squats
  • quadriphilia to top and do 5 squats (crowd pleaser)
  • repeat for 4 more repetitions

Mosey to bottom of parking lot in front of gym

  • Mosey to first chute and do 5 SSH
  • mosey back to start and do 5 star jumps
  • repaat for 4 more repetitions

mosey back to launch pad


LBCs until 6:15 (40 IC)

Scripture and Reflection:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6


Clark proclaims during quadriphilia that this was the new crowd pleaser.  YHC takes that as a compliment.

Hefty was gratefult that we did the first exercises on the flattest part of the parking lot.

Thrift Shop doubted himself when Crabby was further ahead of him than he was of the 6.  

Mater was gracious that I brought triple nickle to Mustang

Iron Horse new my plan was to do LBCs until 6:15 so he started throwing the count

Marker and Sparrow were given the option to scale back the first exercise but the powered through.  RESPECT

Crabby was excited to find out how many are travelling to Greenville for the half-marathon next month, so much so that he may run it backwards.

Mater and Clark tried to stall the last triple nickle to go straight to Mary, but I knew better.  We still did it and had time to complete Mary.

I was hopeful that Scope, Export and Travolta would be there for a shakeout this morning.  


Great work by all!!! It was a pleasure to lead.

Dr. Dolittle