The Blender- 4 Corners
Warm up
SSH. 15
Windmills 10
Empiral storm troopers 10
Carrot pullers 10
10 burpees
Carrying KB to first corner of the church
20 KB swings
20 curls
20 skull crushers
20 upright row
20 squat thrusters
5 burpees
Carry KB to the next corner then repeat minus reps by 2
5 burpees are done prior to going to the next corner.
20 LBC
Recover recover
Total reps:
104 KB swings
104 KB curls
104 KB skull crushers
104 KB upright rows
104 KB squat thrusters
50 burpees
I stayed up watching the National Championship Football game. Getting less than 5 hours of sleep is going to haunt me later.
Thanks to Firestone for making it out this morning and not making it a sad clown car. It was a little chilly and breezy at first but it didn’t take long to warm up.
We got out 50 burpees in as well. Only 1,000 more to go!