Fallout Fun with Blocks

Event Date

Jan 11, 2022


Thanks to the power of the Twitter tag, 4/5 of the tagged Pax joined me on a cold morning for my 2nd Q.

0500: Turnpike and Tantrum ran the standard. Kudos.


  • mosey around the parking lot to warm-up
  • Formal disclaimer provided
  • SSH x20 IC
  • IST x15 IC
  • Long Snappers x10 IC
  • Merkins x10 IC


  • Everyone grab a block
  • Curls x15 IC
  • Shoulder press x15 IC
  • Front delt raises x15 OYO
  • Partner up and farmers carry to the next curb and back while the other partner does burpees, then switch 
  • Repeato – except with maybe a few less reps
  • Break up the block fun with a Native-American Indian style lap around the track
  • Chest press x15 IC
  • Block squats x15 IC
  • Lawn mowers x10 each arm IC
  • Partner up and zamporini to the next curb and back while the other partner does a wall sit, then switch
  • Repeato
  • One more Native-American Indian style lap around the track
  • Finish up with Rocky Balboas x20 IC
  • Blocks up


  • LBC
  • Low flutter
  • Homer 2 Marge
  • Shoulder touch merkins courtesy of Snake Eyes

Recover Recover


  • Thanks to Tantrum for allowing me to Q again – I think I'm getting the hang of it
  • Appreciate 4 other men getting out of bed on this cold morning to join me – always the hardest part of the day