FKT Field Trip to Mortimer Hill

Event Date

Jan 25, 2022


YHC has watched the spinning of the "Wheel of Unfortunate" for what seems like years, hoping it would land on "Mortimer Hill" someday.  The agreement was that if / when it did land on Mortimer Hill, YHC would get the Q.  That glorious day finally happened on Jan 19, 2022.  Our Nantan spun the wheel and Boom!, it finally landed on Mortimer Hill.  Ensured that I wasn't already scheduled to Q somewhere else, and we were ready to go for an FKT field trip to the West Side on Jan 25th.  Here is, roughly what went down:

Last Week:  Jokingly tagged some Pax and hinted that they might need to leave on Monday to get to the AO on time.  Lol.  The location is really the south-western most AO in all of Isotope.  Some would argue it is practically Mountain Island Lake.

0510:  2 mile run standard with Don Ho and Frodo per FKT rules.  The route was a preview of the hill we'd climb later. 

0530:  Joined by Jenny and Swing State, we warmed up in place in case there were any late joiners.  Disclaimer given.


  • IST x 10 IC
  • Soybean Farmers x 10 IC
  • Mericans x 15 OYO
  • Mosey to the bottom of "Mortimer Hill", which begins at the intersection of Latta Springs Cir and Canoe Cove Ln
  • Mericans x 14 OYO

The Hill Repeat Thing:

Instructions were given.  Hustle to the top of the hill, roughly .3 miles up.  LBCs x 25 OYO.  Decrease Mericans by 1 so 13 at the top.  Recovery speed back to the bottom, 12 Mericans. 

Repeato, 4 more times up the hill for a total of 5 iterations.  Decreasing Mericans and always 25 LBCs at the top.

Some substituted Burpees to get their 50+ for the day.

Mosey back to the AO launch for Mary.


  • Mericans x 3 OYO  (Meant to go from 15 all the way to 1…Cobains for forgetting the last 2 sets)
  • Elbow plank x 30 seconds
  • Crunchy frog x 15 IC
  • Low flutters x 20 IC
  • Hamstring stretch

Recover, recover.  Everyone got at least 4 miles of running.  Some got more, see Moleskin.


  1. We prayed for our friend Ziplock and please look out for a Denver convergence coming soon.
  2. Many FKT regulars went to The Blender today.  YHC is cool with that.
  3. Swing State and Frodo destroyed Mortimer Hill.  Had never seen someone do 6 iterations up before they did it today.  Nice work gents and thanks for the encouragement as you passed us each time.  According to Frodo's Strava, they hit ~4.5 miles on the day.  Swing State doesn't have Strava, otherwise he may have taken the Segment.
  4. Don Ho managed to fit in 100 Burpees to make up for missing yesterday's 50.  Dang nice work bud!  Great catching up with you and Frodo during the standard as well. 
  5. Jenny crushed the workout as well.  In fact Swing State did not believe that Jenny is 50, and if you only judged based on his fitness you wouldn't think so either.  Nice work. 
  6. Appreciate the opportunity to lead today Frodo and Don Ho.  (The new, and outgoing MQ of FKT, respectively).  I realize it was a longer drive for some so I appreciate the Pax who showed to this FKT field trip and crushed the workout.

Appreciate you gents.
