Bogey Envy

Clearly, we all miss Bogey (not me, I don't know the guy). Good news is that we got FNG month coming up, which could include EHing a Kotter maybe? So go forth and EH with all your might…many a new guy would love to experience the legendary pain we hear he can bring.

The Thang

Mosey to behind the church and circle up. What? An EMOM timer? What on earth could we be doing?

Quick SSH led by Flo while YHC got his crap together

The original plan was EMOM with 1st minute being 10X goblet squats, 2nd minute 10X OH press, and 3rd minute 10X thrusters. Repeato 4 times for a total of 12 minutes. Holy smokes that was way too easy. Don't blame me, I found it on some crossfit website and those guys pay hundreds of dollars a month for someone else to tell them to do a hard thing so I thought it would be a hard thing. So instead we did…

EMOM for 12 minutes

  • 1st minute 15X goblet squats + 5 burpees
  • 2nd minute 15X OH press + 5 burpees
  • 3rd minute 15X thruster + 5 burpees

Ouch. That was hard. Wasn't hard for Kosar and Auto though. To the hill!

  • 5 hill sprints; plank until all PAX done; 15X Merkins in cadence
  • 4 hill sprints; plank until all PAX done; 12X Merkins in cadence
  • 3 hill sprints; plank until all PAX done; 9X Merkins in cadence
  • 2 hill sprints; plank until all PAX done; 6X Merkins in cadence
  • 1 hill sprints; plank until all PAX done; 3X Merkins in cadence

Ouch. That was hard. Wasn't hard for Kosar and Auto though. To the bells!

  • Curl 20X in cadence
  • Skull crusher 20X in cadence
  • Lawn mower 20X in cadence, each arm

Ouch. That was hard. Wasn't hard for Kosar and Auto though. To the sign!

  • Sprint to stop sign (20 yds?), 5 burpees
  • Sprint to bells, 5 burpees
  • Sprint to stop sign, 5 burpees
  • Sprint to bells, 5 burpees

Mosey back to front for Mary, which included flutters, WW2, and something that was supposed to be jack knife LBCs.



  • Thank you to everyone who posted, Goatbusters and Boatgusters alike. (Pro Tip: If you have to ask yourself "Am I a Goatbuster?" that means your a Boatguster, like YHC.)
  • FNG month is coming! START YOUR ENGINES!
  • Great to see Perrier and Firestone. Missed you guys.
  • Auto had a tough choice. He chose Blender. I hope he wasn't dissappointed.
  • Tuesdays are STACKED. Isotope has 7 options on Tuesday, the most of any day. (Side note: We are so blessed! I've had to drive 20 to 45 minutes to get to workouts in Omaha and Phoenix.) I implore you to shun your comfort zone and get out there! It is possible to stick with your crew at times and get out there at other times. YHC is not immune to this…I've gotten too comfortable! Y'all know I gravitate towards FKT. I'm still gonna go, but I will be venturing out on Tuesdays more as well.
  • Thank you Flo for your leadership and the opportunity for me to Q this fine AO.