The Vern! Have You Heard Of It?

Event Date

Jan 25, 2022



0515 – YHC pulls up to the AO, expecting to knock out burpees sad-clown style.

0518 – Whose truck is that? Is that Possum?! He couldn't resist the call of burpees.

0520 – YHC and Possum knock out 50 burpees. Possum absolutely crushed them.

0530 – The pax are all here. Disclaimer is given. Mosey commences.


Mosey to the pavillion by the soccer fields and circle up

  • SSH x 30 IC
  • Hillbilly x 15 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC

The Thang

YHC instructed the pax that we'd do 10 pullups, run a lap, 20 dips, run a lap, 25 mericans, run a lap, and then finish it off with 30 LBCs with a lap at the end. And we'd do it 5 times. Bagboy commented it sounded a lot like The Vern. So they have heard this one! All pax then put their heads down and went to work. We moseyed back to launch with no time for Mary.

Recover. Recover.


  • The respects outnumbered the hate today. WH is square in the middle. Gets no respect. Gets no hate.
  • JB and Bagboy crushed all 5 rounds, proving age is just a number. 
  • Everyone got at least ~3 miles. Canuck missed out!

Pleasure to work out this morning with some fine gentleman. Don't forget that Polar Bear is coming and that FNG Month is a week away. Thanks to Waffle House for the opportunity to Q. Until next time – CB