I did not have relations with that woman

Event Date

Jan 26, 2022

5 men came to an anti running (running rest day) workout to get their meat smoked. Read all about it below. But basically todays workout left the pax with some arm quiver. And it wouldn't be a Clark workout with at least one trivia question…


On this day 1998 President Clinton said “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”



Prisoner squats

Monkey Humpers

Toy soldiers

arm circles 


The thing

Mosey to the block pile and stop at the pull-up bar on the way.



Pick your number and do standard grip pull-ups …Plank 1 minute

Wide grip pull ups …Plank 1 minute

Reverse grip pull ups … plank 1 minute


Mosey on down to the block pile grab a block and to the top of the hill. For some triple threat super sets 


Super set 1 Curls

10 IC full curls

10 IC Squatting curls

10 IC Bent Curls

Finisher: 21’s (7 low, 7 high, 7 full) 

plank 1 minute for rest 


Super set 2 triceps

10 IC standing skull crusher

10 IC close grip block merkins

10 IC laying skull crushers

Finisher: skull crushers with “5 more”

Plank 1 minute for rest


Super set 3 shoulders

10 IC overhead press

10 IC front shoulder rise

15 OYO deep swimmers press

Finisher: upright row with “5 more”

Wall sit 1 minute for rest


Repeato the finisher sets and return the blocks 



10 IC Dr W


Homer to marge to Mr Burns

Finisher: max LBC in 1 minute



“Therefore if you have been raised with Christ [to a new life, sharing in His resurrection from the dead], keep seeking the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.”

??Colossians? ?3:1? ?AMP



5 more seems to go on forever

prayers for Ronnie and his family

prayers for Matt and his family 

pax wants more trivia