Fallout Fun Times

Event Date

Feb 01, 2022


Short and sweet #BB today. 

4 Pax joined the Q and we even had a guest from F3Denver join. Disclaimer was given and all Pax consented to the workout and waived all rights forever and eternity.


  • SSH x21 IC
  • IST
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Slow windmill
  • Mobility moment in catcher's pose


Pax grabbed a block and zampo'ed up to the bus parking lot. It was much too far to zampo with a block, duly noted. Upon arrival, Pax found a jump rope and slam balls waiting. 5 rounds of:

  • 15 hand-release merkins while 2 men wall sat and 2 men did body lifts on the dock until merkins completed. Repeat until everyone did their merkins. Lap around the parking lot.
  • 40 single ropes or 15 double-unders while 2 men wall sat and 2 men did body lifts on the dock until jump ropes completed. Repeat until everyone done. Lap around the parking lot.
  • 15 slam balls with a 30lb ball and good form (form is key!) while 2 men wall sat and 2 men did body lifts on the dock until slam balls completed. Repeat until everyone done. Lap around the parking lot.
  • 12 WW1 sit-ups while 2 men wall sat and 2 men did body lifts on the dock until sit-ups completed. Repeat until everyone done. Lap around the parking lot.
  • And one more round of jump ropes! 50 single ropes or 20 double-unders while 2 men wall sat and 2 men did body lifts on the dock until jump ropes completed. Repeat until everyone done. Lap around the parking lot.
  • Zampo back down and return your block.


  • Jackknife LBC's 
  • Pretzel crunches
  • Dr. W's (?) – something horrible suggested by Hefty never to be repeated at Fallout


Thanks to Tantrum for letting me get my monthly Q. Appreciate Hefty coming to represent this morning all the way from Denver thanks to prompting from Mulligan – first time working out with both guys, good stuff from both and Hefty lead us out in prayer. Snake Eyes with an early arrival today beating all other Pax to the parking lot – the start of a trend perhaps?