5’s on the 5th (Aggressive Progressive Part 2)

Event Date

Feb 05, 2022


On this beautiful, chilly morning, 4 men showed their faces for some fun. A repeat with some modifications of a workout we did in Nov of 2020. I think today's mix is right and provides a legit, full-body workout that tests your strength and stamina.

Warm Up


10 IC Windmills

10 IC Toy Soldiers

25 IC Copperhead Squats

15 IC Mountain Climbers

10 IC Merkins

5 CAR rotations each shoulder

Right over Left/Left over Rught

Mosey to the back for a grip hang challenge and then get a block and mosey back up front.

The Thang

The workout is 5 exercises each done for X reps per round. The first PAX to finish the X reps yells "Go" and everyone sprints to the top of the parking lot (thus creating a "gathering" style that allows individual scaling and a little competition to be first to finish). 

The exercises are:

Block Thrusters

Kickstand Deadlifts with the block


Block Snatches

Block Over Burpees

The Rounds are:

Round 1 – 5 reps

Round 2 – 10 reps

Round 3 – 15 reps….this is where it got spicy

Round 4 – 20 reps…this is where it got hateful

Round 5 – 25 reps….due to time we only went with the Thrusters and the Snatches

Blocks back, grip challenge, return to front for message. Honestly, this is a rough workout.


The new song by Crowder, House of the Lord, says, "Bring your heartache, bring your burdens, you can lay them down at the door. There is no fear, you belong here, welcome to the House of the Lord." This conjured an image in my head. Imagine you have passed on and your favorite relative greets you to help you get acclimated to the next world.  As you walk by the pearly gates on a street of gold (or however you envision that), there appears a beautiful, simple home off to the right. Your relative says, "That's Christ's house…..wanna go say 'Hi'?" I can see 4 probable responses.

I know some people that would run, not walk, but run to the front door and ring the doorbell grinning from ear to ear.

A second group might say, "Gee, I don't know. I don't want to disturb Him and just drop in unannounced." Your relative would mention that they have been tryoing to give Christ a surprise birthday party for like 2000 years but He always seems to know! lol  So that person would reluctantly, but happily go to the door.

A third category would be those that say something like, "Oh, I just can't right now. Maybe another time or after I've been here a bit. Maybe I can just bump into Him at the grocery store, but not right now." And they would walk past and look, longingly at the House but not approach.

A final group would cross the street, turn their face away and walk briskly by lest the Lord was looking out the window. They would not want to stand before the Lord.

For me this imagery provides a strong motivation to ask, "What do I need to do so that I would be in the first group?" Maybe it will do the same for you. God bless.


Whew! I'm writing this at 12:28pm and my glycogen stores are finally starting to recover! My hammy is a little tender too – lol.

Cheetah got in the zone on the deadlifts…..#focus

Shirley provides a great "pro-tip" of calling the leg switch on the deadlifts so you can even out the reps if you are not in the lead.

Tonka proves he is getting more fit! Finally, that blood from 2002 is starting to take hold! AND….wins the grip strength challenge!

Appreciate each of you and your willingness to suffer!
