Travelling Fallout

Event Date

Feb 08, 2022


On a cold day at Fallout we did some hill repeats.  Because what the **** are you going to do about it?  We jest.  We did hill repeats because they are fun and because we coincidentally had strong runners show up today.  (How convenient)  Here is roughly what went down:

0500:  Run standard with 9 Lives.  YHC took him on a tour of Carrington Ridge where we manged to avoid all the hills *.  We covered 2.17 miles according to Strava.

* This is false. 



  • Mosey to the top of the parking lot, including butt kickers, high knees, side shuffle L/R, and Quadraphilia
  • Circle up, disclaimer given
  • Happy Jacks (SSH x 5 IC, 2 Jump Squats) x 2
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Dwight Schrutes x 15 IC
  • Slow Windmills x 10 IC  (but not too slow)

The "Travelling" Thing:

  • Mosey to the Middle School
  • CDD x 10 IC followed by BTTW x 30 seconds
  • People's Chair x 1 min (with air presses x 15 IC) followed by 10 step ups each leg

Mosey over to Jim Kidd road.  The "top" of the hill was declared at a mailbox.  Mosey down, and the "bottom" was also declared at a telephone pole.

  • Mericans x 10, run up the hill, slow deep squats x 1, run down the hill
  • Repeato with 8 / 3
  • Repeato with 6 / 5
  • Repeato with 4 / 7
  • Repeat with 2 / 9

10 count provided by Bob Ross.

Mosey back to the middle school parking lot for:

  • Captain Thors:  WWII followed by American Hammers in 4 count, so start 1-4 all the way to 7-28.

Mosey back to the AO, taking the short way.  At the benches, we did:

  • Dips x 15 IC

Mosey to the cars for Mary.


  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • LBCs x 15 IC
  • Elbow plank x 1 min

Recover, recover.  We covered 2.72 miles according to Strava.


  1. We prayed for Bob Ross's sister and our friends Carpet Bagger and Ziplock.  Additionally, Snake Eyes suggested we pray for 1 homeless person to be lifted up today.  Nicely done Sir. 
  2. The #PB Tweet worked to ensure we got some of the Fallout regulars including Bob Ross, Gambini, and Snake Eyes. 
  3. We did not see Hasselhoff because we think he is travelling himself.  (SWIDT?) 
  4. We did not see Tantrum because he was at…wait where was Tantrum?
  5. On that note, Snake Eyes has the Q on Thursday at Samson for the wonderful Samson Suicides.  Bob Ross was already asking if there will be 5 rounds or 4.  STK it seems!
  6. But before that, most of these fine gents are HC to Ludicrious Speed on Wednesday.  Same time, same place, probably slightly more mileage than today.  HC myself!
  7. Any horrible ideas today we'll chalk up to demonstrating to young Gambini some ideas that are simply "not keepers".  No charge for that lesson my friend!
  8. Appreciate 9 Lives keeping me company for the standard.  This was after a strong 6 mile run the evening before, so YHC was thankful to have the company on a run-heavy workout despite that.
  9. Appreciate the opportunity to lead Tantrum.  Perhaps your absence today was revenge for my absence yesterday at Titan.  Well played!  See you tomorrow at Ludicrous Speed then. 

Always a pleasure to lace them up with the men of F3.
