Just another 2nd Thursday at Samson

Event Date

Feb 10, 2022


7 Came out knowing what was ahead of them…well at least most everyone….


Mosey through the parking lot back and forth to get to the top then prepare for what was coming


SSH x 10

Windmill x5

IST x 5

Swan Stretch to the side

Long snapper x 5


Go grab a block


Round 1

Allen Iverson’s, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

1 Block Burpee each return


Round 2

Shoulder touch merkins, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

2 Block Burpee each return


Round 3

Jump Squats, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15

3 Block Burpee each return


Round 4

Jack knife LBC 4, 8, 12, 16, 20

4 Block Burpee each return


Round 5

Zamperini to other side of first stop – 1 Block burpee

Zamperini back  – 2 Block Burpees

Back and forth up to 5…


Curls x 10

1 good block burpee



Run back to cars…



Nice to see Elmer’s come out to support my Q, he saw the name for the workout and just showed up. Well what a surprise it’s Samson suicides…he was not aware and mentioned he had time to leave. Elmer’s killed it on his first suicides, Great work bro…. And thanks for coming out to support!! He did mention he has some choice expletives for Hoff….

Gambini was anxious to get started this morning, he was wanted to cut the warm up, let’s get going, it’s 5 rounds…and of course he was out front on all rounds! Watch out for his Q’s, you’ll get a good one in!

Sure enough Turnpike used his own methodology to how the order of exercises should be performed…and ended up influencing Gambini to doing them reverse also. We’ll need to get him to Q it and do it that way one month.

Good to see 66 back out this morning!

Enron said it had been awhile since he did a Samson suicides so he was up for the challenge, he had his dog out with him as his cohort (beautiful dog, sorry forgot his name). Great work! What was interesting was watching him lift the front legs of his dog in the Tesla then grab the back legs. It appears his dog likes to ride and workout but not jump in the car…

Bob Ross is always steady, never groans just keeps it moving!!