Lots of Mumblechatter… until there wasn’t

9 of Iso's greatest were out at Samson this morning for an upper body extravaganza, here's what happened


The Standard

YHC was a Sad Clown for the standard, which I turned into an opportunity to get the blocks out like any good Q would do. Ran a lap, grabbed a block. A little over 2 miles and 7 blocks


PAX began rolling in and as 0530 was in sight there were exactly 7 in the circle, my Solo Standard worked out well! Until The Force and Rodeo had to show up and ruin it all… just kidding, glad you were there!


Warm a rama

Mosey in a serpentine pattern through the parking lot doing a combo of high knees, butt kickers, and kareoke

Circle up by the pull up bars for disclaimer, SSH, TS, and Windmill


The Thang

Grab a block and move next to pull up bars

  • Round One
    • ?5 Pull Ups, run a lap around the first row of parking spots
    • 5 Pull Ups, 10 Skull Crushers, run a lap around the second row
    • 5 Pull Ups, 10 Skull Crushers, 15 overhead press run a lap around the 3rd row
    • 5 Pull Ups, 10 Skull Crushers, 15 overhead press, 20 block mericans run a lap around the 4th row
    • 5 Pull Ups, 10 Skull Crushers, 15 overhead press, 20 block mericans, 25 curls run a lap around the 5th row
  • Round Two
    • ?All rounds of the exercises with no running

All in all we got 50 pull ups, 80 SC, 90 OP, 80 Mericans, and 50 curls

10 Burpees OYO

Run to stairs on the side of LFC

50 Jackknife LBC's each leg OYO running up and down stairs anytime you need to take a break

Mosey back to launch


20 LBC's IC

Circle of Mary, I can't remember everything we did but I remember doing a plank, hip dips, homer to marge, pigeon, box cutter, low flutter, low dolly, and some other stuff

Recover Recover

Name o rama



  • Great good of PAX out this morning who pushed themselves even though there was much grumbling regarding the amount of pull ups
  • The Force saved us from a lot more pain than intended when questioning my original statement of 10 pull ups each round, instead of 5
  • Nice to meet you Gambini!
  • Jimmy O! Great to see you brother way to crush it
  • Either Rodeo enjoys my Q's, happens to go to where I've Q'd lately, or is just unlucky because he's been at all 3 of my last Q's. Who know's if thats a good or bad thing
  • If you're getting a lot of mumble chatter, I recommend just piling exercise after exercise on top of each other without any stopping. Seemed to work this morning
  • Thank you Hasselhoff for the opportunity to lead

Until next time……. Mr. H