Crazy Eights

YHC's driver – Deep Dish – delivered me to the St. Mark parking lot at precisely 6:58 – while the assembled PAX were wondering if the Q would show.  We took part in some chit chat and then we got moseying just as Bad Santa pulled in on 2 wheels.

We took  a circuitous  route to the back corner of the lot for Warm-O-rama.  There was a proper disclaimer, and a welcome to our FNG- Rob, who was EH'd by Omega.  We did many of your favorites including – SSH, Windmills, Long Snappers, IST and general stretching.  

Grab a cinder block – and assemble back where we wamred up.


Given the group assembled, I was concerned that I might have an issue explaining the next phase of the work out in a way that they would comprehend.  I was pleasantly surprised that everyone (even the mouth breathers) caught on without an issue.

I explained that the parking lot was a figure 8, and asked the PAX to find a partner.  Each partner would  in mosey in an opposite direction to run The Figure 8.  As you ran – you would meet your partner at the center of the 8, at the top of the 8, again at the center, and finally at the base of the 8, where we were starting.  Each time you met your partner – perform an exercise.  As I finished the rather lenghty explanation – the PAX asked why they needed cinder blocks.  Be patient.  

Round 1 – when you see your partner (4 times) – do 10 partner Mericans.

Grab your blocks –  10 Squats IC, 10 Curls IC, 10 Shoulder Press IC, 10 Skull Crushers IC

Round 2 – Run the 8 – when you see your partner – do 10 squats

Block work out – 8 lawn mowers each arem IC, 12 Upright Rows, 9 Curls IC

Round 3 – Run the 8 – when you see your partner – do 10 lunges each leg

Grab your block – let's put them away.

Line up in two columns – partners go to opposite columns.  Native American Run to the carpool lane at the school.

People's Chair + Air Press

Bear Crawl from the curb to the the opposite curb and back.  Muhammad Ali's x 20 IC

People's Chair + Air Press/Extensions

Repeato Bear Crawl/Muhammad Ali's

Mosey around to the fountain in front of church.  Head to the grass and find your partner.

Dora 1-2-3: 100 mericans, 200 squats, 300 LBCs

Mosey to the parking lot for assorted sprints + joggy jogs.


Crimson and Omega needed a little more upper body work, so they took a detour to the pull up bars.

The rest of us did a variety of exercises that may have included: WW2 Sit-ups, Pretzel Crunch, Low Flutters and Touch dem Heels.

Recover, Recover


– Great group of guys today.  A good mix of LKN OG Royalty working out with some newer guys.  Great to see our circle expanding and Omega putting his money where his mouth is for the February FNG challenge.  Thanks for bringing Rob out.  Rob gets his name at his next post – he's from the Syracuse area.  He played football and lacrosse at Hobart and has a financial planning firm conveniently located across from Osito's Tacos in Cornelius.  

– Soprano ran through the workout at some point.  He also ran through The Wilderness on Thursday.  Maybe one day he'll stop running and hang out with us.  

– Bad Santa posted from Davidson.  Now that they have seceded from LKN after 10 years of ignoring us, the Davidson PAX have taken up a challenge to post outside of the People's Republic.  Glad to have you brother.  We'll return the favor soon. 

– Black Beard showed up around the time we gathered for CoT – and then quickly got in a truck and drove away.  

– A spirited coffeeteria followed the workout at Summit Coffee Birkdale – where we ran into the Goat Busters, and Gnarly Goat.  Luckily – there was not an issue, and Goat was in fact, not busted.     

– We lifted several people up in prayer – and heard about the 2ndF event at Hope House this coming Friday. Watch for additional blasts about this event coming from Possum.  

– As always – an honor and a privilege to be in the company of these fine men.  They make me want to be the best that I can be.  
