What all can you do with a block?

Event Date

Feb 26, 2022


 3 men arrived to see what all you could do with a block!


20 x SSH

10 x lunge arm raises (it’s a new thing)

15 x Mountain Climbers

10 x Merican toe touches

10 x Windmills

The Thang

Mosey to back.  15 pull ups and then grab a block and place on sidewalk.  Then a trail run. 

Anvil says “where is Cheetah?” ½ way thru and after a brief pause Cheetah comes hobble running around the corner saying he rolled an ankle on a fallen branch.  But nothing gets that man down!  Continue. 

Back to sidewalk and pick up blocks.  Blocks are theme of the day:

Carry block to parking lot by holding behind you and moseying to front. 

At parking lot block suicides.

Mosey to front entrance grassy knoll while carrying block overhead.

At grassy knoll : block squat/curl while squatting and then jump and repeat.  Down and back. 

Mosey to front entrance grassy area on right while holding block like a milk jug.

15 block burpees in grass.

Cross road and murder bunnies up and over center berm.

On other side 25 block quadfectas. 

And reverse heading back- murder bunnies, block carry overhead, block squat curls, overhead carry to AO, block suicides and then block Mary:

20 x flutter kicks holding block overhead

15 x block WWIs

20 x hello dollys holding block overhead

10 x block Russian twist

Carry block behind you and return to playground.

10 x pullups and we are done.

Reflection: 2 Timothy 4:7  “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my race, I have kept the faith.”

A lot of life is just showing up.  We want to be intentional and good at what we undertake but somedays we just have to wake up and put one foot in front of the other.  Whatever your race is just stay in it!


Anvil talked about cold submersion in Holston Lake and preparing to move to Vale.

Cheetah shook off the ankle injury and was looking forward to some teenager driving today! 

Fair Winds and Following Seas
