Fire Pit Friday at Hope House – Spreading Love Through Fellowship

A Friday Fire Pit Fellowship on the hallowed grounds of Hope House turned into much more than originally expected.  YHC arrived around 3pm to drop off supplies and 2 sets of corn hole on a bright crisp late winter day.  After having a rainy and cloudy week, the skies cleared on Friday seemingly preparing perfect weather for our gathering from 4-6pm.

Smokey and his 3 2.0's arrived shortly after 3 to prepare our fire pit for the festivities that were about to take place.  Snacks were prepared and neatly arranged around the fire pit square and our 2 corn hole sets strategically placed with anticipation.  Holiday arrived shortly after 4 with his 2.0 as did GoodLife with his 2.0.

As the PAX 2.0's scurried around the grounds, Goodlife, Smokey, and Holiday hung out around the pit and tried their hand at roasting marshmellows. After a while and to our surprise one of the residents came out with her daughter to check out the festivities.  They joined us at the fire pit.  Soon after, a few more resident children came out of the main house and before long another mom resident stopped over to say hi.  The PAX 2.0's and the child residents of Hope House began to mingle and it didn't take long for everyone to realize we were all there to simply have a good time.  Some of the residents rode their triikes and bicyles around the property, while others tried their hand at corn hole.  Wagon rides were offered to the residents by some of the PAX while others played basketball. 

Shortly after 5, YHC was excited to receive texts from Ultraman and Snake Eyes, letting us know they were on their way.

Upon Snake Eyes, Ultraman and his M's arrival we all gathered around the swingset with all the children and had a sweet group photo and fun moments sharing our strange nicknames with all the children.  Ultraman and Snake Eye did awesome demos of burpees and toy soldier as the kids attempted to follow along.  All the PAX enjoyed special moments with each of the children who lived at Hope House, whether it was pushing them on the swings or helping them make S'mores on the campfire.

The resident mothers of Hope House and all of the PAX had meaningful conversation around the fire pit while all of the 2.0's continued to mingle and enjoy their time together.

Towards the end of the fellowship, the last resident who we had yet to meet that night, came out to greet us after just arriving from a long day at work.  Her name is Maria and an Army Vet serving from 2006-2013.

After all the PAX were gone, YHC began walking the grounds to ensure the property was left as it was found and circled back to the fire pit to say goodbye to the residents and their children who were still gathered at the fire pit. 

YHC was deeply moved after saying final goodbyes and hearing the children respond "Bye Possum", "Can you guys come back tomorrow?"  I barely got inside my car before I broke into tears alone in my vehicle and all YHC could think of was the often referred to Bible Verse "My cup overfloweth" Psalm 25:3.  

For all who were there, this was truly a powerful experience and what was originally supposed to be a simple 2nd F among the PAX turned into so much more…..a blessing for all of us.

Thanks to Holiday for supplying drinks, GoodLife, Smokey and his 2.0's for Q'ing the Fire Pit and Ultraman, his M, Snake Eyes, and all the PAX for taking the time to love on those kids and their moms who live at Hope House…..

Humbly In Christ, 
