Got late backblast and got busted by Outlaw,Strombolli and Einstein who got me reported to HR*angel*.

here the run down

We got 21 packs and Welcome FNG…and now he's born as a Sanddollars as discussion by Outlaw and Callahan




  • run to Yoga parking lot
  • SSH x 20 IC 
  • Windmill x 20 IC
  • Cotton picker x 20 IC
  • Monkey hopper x 20 IC
  • Mount climber x 20 IC
  • run to get rock firehouse

The Thang

Circle up


Round 1

  • Muhammad Ali x 20 IC
  • bicep curlsx20IC
  • shoulder pressx20IC
  • skull crusherx20IC
  • sumo squat x 20 IC
  • Chest press w/flutter kicks x 20 IC

Round 2

  • Muhammad Ali x 20 IC
  • side steps follow with merkins (NO BURPEESS)
  • bicep curlsx20IC
  • shoulder pressx20IC
  • skull crusherx20IC
  • sumo squat x 20 IC
  • Chest press w/flutter kicks x 20 IC
  • Freddy Mercuryx 20 IC


Round 3

  • Muhammad Ali x 20 IC
  • bicep curlsx20IC
  • shoulder pressx20IC
  • skull crusherx20IC
  • sumo squat x 20 IC
  • Chest press w/flutter kicks x 20 IC
  • Freddy Mercury x 20 IC


Run a lap to Yoga


Round 1

  • step up OYO 20 reps R/L
  • people chairs
  • people chairs and air press x 20 IC
  • decline merkin OYO 10
  • Incline merkins OYO 10

Round 2

  • step up OYO 20 reps R/L
  • people chairs
  • people chairs and air press x 20 IC
  • decline merkin OYO 10
  • Incline merkins OYO 10

Round 3

  • step up OYO 10 reps R/L
  • people chairs
  • people chairs and air press x 20 IC
  • decline merkin OYO 10
  • Incline merkins OYO 10


Run to Harris teter

5 minutes marry

  • Omega-10 breakdance
  • Uncle Rico – 10 Burpees
  • Outlaw- 10 Rosalita
  • Stomboli-10 crunchy frog



 We got naming FNG to "Sand dollars" ,welcome to family



Peace out


until next time 





  • Scorpion dry docks x 20

Run a lap



  • Auto and DH kept disrespecting the cones. Their saving grace was pushing YHC to go faster. Questionable tactics used by myself on the last lap secured the FKT. Maybe next time Auto!
  • Ducky and Shrooms put in the work. At one point Shrooms turned on the heat and sprinted past us to get his merkins in. Strong.
  • BC did BC things – but he still got stronger.
  • Anchovy did burpees and merkins – he's going to be Qing his first beatdown soon!
  • Mr. Holland, Jobe, and Slingshot would not be deterred. Not a lot of chatter from them, but they gave maximum effort
  • Frodo decided he had too many FKT awards and let up the gas at the end.


  • We gathered with the Viking pax for COT and support our brother Fescue. 92 pax strong is a great showing for 24 hours notice. Remember- this isn't just about working out. It's about being there for the pax when they need you. Hope to see Fescue back out in force so that we can raise him up together.

Thanks to those who came out today. The Sharknado is never easy, but always fun. Next month we'll go back to the Vern. Until then – CB




14 men showed. 1 FNG. And the cards were dealt.