Leg Day at Fallout

Event Date

Mar 08, 2022


3 men joined me for a perfect weather workout this morning at RBP. Today was officially my 5th Q so I deemed myself a professional Q'er and then commenced to mess up the inflection on SSH's. Serves me right.

Disclaimer was read aloud and signed parental consent forms were obtained before beginning.

– WarmOrama

  • Mosey around the parking lot, reverse, butt-kickers, karaokes, and high knees
  • SSH x20 IC
  • IST x10 IC
  • Long Snappers x10 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x10 IC
  • Mobility moment catcher's pose

– Thang

  • Grab some blocks and 2 brand new sand bags and head to the hill, partner up
  • Partner 1 does 20 weighted squats, Partner 2 does 15 jump squats at the top of the hill, switch
  • P1 does 15 weighted squats, P2 does 10 jump squats at the top of the hill, switch
  • P1 does 10 weighted squats, P2 does 5 jump squats at the top of the hill, switch
  • Next round – P1 does 5 block presses IC and 5 block front delt raises IC while P2 does hand release push-ups AMRAP, switch.
  • Run a lap and repeato (I think we repeato'ed – it's fuzzy at this point)
  • Grab blocks and P1 farmer carries to the 50M mark while P2 does weighted sand-bag lunges, and alternate until one partner reaches the 100M mark doing lunges
  • 10 block thrusters, repeato, 1 more lap
  • 35 calf raises to finish

– Mary

  • 20 LBC's IC
  • 15 low flutters IC
  • 10 low dolly's IC
  • 10 Freddie Mercury's IC
  • 10 dying cockroaches IC
  • 15 shoulder touch mericans IC
  • Recover Recover

– Moleskin

  • Hoff made the astute observation the hill at Fallout is slightly bigger than the hill at Samson, which I took to mean we didn't do enough hills today, an error that will be corrected next Q.
  • Bob Ross and Snake Eyes quietly crushed it as always. 
  • Thanks to Tantrum for allowing me to lead despite his unexcused absence today.