Welcome Mr. Jack Webb

14 warriors emerged from the gloom and accepted their invitation and challenge to tackle the PAINinsula AO, who most agree is the finest AO in all of Cornelius.


The Thang:

Mosey to the Dutchman's lot


IST X 15

Downward Dog to pigeon each leg – your welcome Jazz Hands

Mountain Climbers X 20

Long Snappers X 15

Windmills X 10

SSH X 20

Mosey to the first corner – C2C

Corner 1 Backward stepping liunge X 10 each leg

Corner 2 Squats X 15

Corner 3 Mericans X 10 IC

Corner 4 Low FLutter X 25 IC

Mosey to the hill alongside Jetton

11's – Mericans at the bottom, Squats at the top, Quadraphilia up the hill

Mosey to the rock pile at the top of the hill

Rock Squats X 10

Rock Curls X 10

Rock Shoulder Press X 10

Rock Skull Crushers X 10

Rock Jack Webbs up to 7

Mosey to the fire station

Mosey to the mini-horseshoe arena

Partner DORA

100 Squats

200 Carolina Dry Docks

300 LBCs

Mosey to the launch

Crunchy Frogs X 10

Freddie Mercuries X 15

Pretzel Crunch X 10 each side

Touch 'Dem Heels X 10



Naked Man Moleskin:

1) 103 Mericans if you are in to counting those things

2) 1.8 miles covered

3) Happy to hear Goat had a successful Mohs surgery and his Squamous Cell skin cancer and it was fully removed. Bike if you must for the Horseshoe next week.

4) Inquiring minds were asking the whereabouts of Stromboli and Riverboat. 

5) There is more than a little concern that Grenade A) Could not find us he arrived so late B) Appears to not even know his own name

6) Did we mention next week is The Horseshoe

7) No Rope is a consistent attendee at PAINinsula and we are happy to have him!

8) Thanks to Jazz Hands for stepping up to Q in 3 weeks when many of us make our trip out to Bandon Dunes.

As always, It was an honor and privilege to lead this group of men today!

