12 PAX Stormed Fission for a Religious Experience at Mt. Zion

The Gathering

12 of the finest PAX around Lake Norman chose to avoid the FS and  assembled at the west parking lot of Harris Teeter Antiquity in preparation for a seasonably mild Fission beatdown.

YHC excited to see a Ford Ranger (non 4 wheel drive) pull up shortly after his arrival, which only meant 1 thing.  Our beloved pot smoking Hippie would join us.  Another Ford Ranger pulled in a few minutes later, but in this case a 4×4 Ranger and we all know who drives that beast machine, Double Respect Canuck had arrived!

YHC would later see a new looking white Toyota Camera, and at first glance thought it was a clown car as two studs exited the car, Scrappy and Kosar had arrived!

As consistent as clockwork, Cousin Eddie performed the Standard at 5:00 am and greeting the PAX in the parking lot on his completion of his 3 mile run.

A brief professional wrestling squirmish between Titan and Scrappy was performed just before launching.

The Thang

Here's what went down:

After a brief disclaimer, YHC led the PAX around the perimeter of Harris Teeter where we gathered on the opposite side for Warm-A-Rama, consisting of Windmill x 10 IC, SSH x 30 IC, IST x 12 IC, Merkins x 12 IC, and Mountain Climers x 12 IC

Mosey towards Lover's Lawn Trace at bottom of hill and procced up the hill west towards 115.  

A quick left just before 115 onto Zion Avenue and PAX continued the mosey / medium pace

The pace down Zion Avenue was varied as some of our PAX like Scrappy, Cousin Eddie and Waffle House seemed to be in full gear.  Moses would help round up the six to ensure all PAX would make it to our destination, Mt. Zion church.

PAX gathered at the entrance at Mt. Zion and planked while the others arrvied with some right arm and left arm up variation

Mosey towards the church and gathered at the base of the steps.  Circled up and did a quick mobility moment.

Line up at steps to perform 3 sets of Rocky Balboa's and Incline Merkins.

A reverse ladder was then performed by going up and down the stairs with 1 squat at the top, and 8 burpees at the bottom, repeating this and increasing squats and descreasing burpees until the full ladder was complete.

Mosey around Mt. Zion exploring the full campus including going around the back corner dumpster to ensure there were no threatening marsupials present.  

Circle again in front of church for another mobility moment with hamstring stretches and downward dog to pigeon.

Next a DORA was performed by partnering up.  A combination of 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 LBC's would be perfomed.  YHC very excited to have his main man Titan partner with him 

After completion, mosey back to HT Antiquity Parking Lot for a brief Peoples Chair and 30 Air Squats, low flutter, 10 WWII situps OYO, and ending with IST.

Recover Recover was announced at exactly 6:14 and 43 seconds, giving the PAX 17 seconds back.


  • A seriously unusually quiet group of men this morning made YHC search for extra energy instead of the usual energy and laughter that comes from mumble chatter
  • Tclaps to Moses for keeping an eye on the 6 as the PAX headed towards Mt. Zion church
  • Moses and Hippie were excited to see they were both wearing their BRR shirts
  • Scrappy and Waffle House appeared to have their jets on this morning as their pace was more than YHC could keep up with on the way back
  • Prayers up for a friend of Hippie's named Bob, the family of a young lady who just took her own life, and continued prayers for Hippie and his family in the loss of Daniel, Hippie's father.
  • Great to see another double respect at Fission, Stromboli along with our regulars like Hollywood, Cousin Eddie, Waffle
  • Looking forward to Purple Heat Homes 5k, Speed for Need this coming Saturday at Lost Worlds Brewery
  • Coffeteria at Dunkin' was enjoyed by many and always great to see the Goat, Rob Cannon join us for the discussion
  • Goat, Canuck, and Hippie had a brief discussion about what an a**hole Phil Mickelson was followed by the always fun nostagic talk of Brady Bunch, Easland Mall, and other 70's classics.

As always, so proud and honored for the opportunity to lead this group of men

In Christ,
