Perfect Conditions

Event Date

Mar 12, 2022


3 emerged from the soggy, misty gloom, unsure of how many layers or type of gear, why so windy, and whether this would be a good day to fartsack.  Questions about whether to scramble for cover or just man-up were straightforwardly answered.  Good decisions were made.  More manliness.  Thankfully, the blessings of light rain improved further to no rain soon after WarmUp.  This is how it went down.

SSH, Grandma Maters, windmills, merkins around the clock, and maybe another thing or two.
*** hilarity as Shirley shares Mater's share about the Nashville crew's name for pickle pounders
*** more hilarity as Tonka mentions a buddy who went to Nashville the weekend for spring break; 65 yesterday, 3-6" forecasted last night, wow

A'ight, let's get 'er done:
mosey to the back and grab a block
Interval Timer set to 50s on / 10s off, all OYO
 * Side to side lunge, derkins, block curls
 * ISW, Bennifers, block press
 * alt back lunge, hand release merkins, block kick stands
 * dippy bird, T-plank twist through, low dolly
 * lunge twist, diamond merkins (round 3 only?), block clean
 * step up, bird dogs, trifecta

1-minute water break, outer layers tentatively removed, then YHC's best friend…

1-minute water break, checks watch, Shirley does some math…
REPEATO with 35s on / 10s off, all OYO

blocks back, back to the AO
Perfectly estimated Shirley

Reflection:  Dueteronomy 8:17-18
"17 Beware lest you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth.’ 18 You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day.
* Chronology is right before Israel goes into the Promised Land.  Moses gives The Law to the peoplem and reviews the history of their departure from Egypt.
* Moses reminds us to be care that we do not ascribe our successes — the results of our journeys — to something that WE should be credited for.  We need to give praise to God for guidance us throughout this life DESPITE our own actions that probably made the journey longer.
* Remember where you came from.  Remember He has opened doors for you, given you strengths and gifts to succeed, and is there to guide your steps.

* 1st thing out of Tonka getting out of the car, "now, my wife DEFINITELY thinks you guys are crazy!"  hahaha   guilty
* Tonka arrives and adds on a Froggtog outer layer (top and bottom), 'folds down into a little pouch', backpack style.  He was ready for a monsoon, or, as Shirley noted, a biohazard incident.  lol  Must've helped him stay dry and warm; he was working/pushing the whole time.
* Shirley identified a couple YHC snafus.  It's possible I forgot lunge twists in round 2, and I MAY have skipped over Diamond merkins the first 2 rounds.   Nothing gets past this guy…which is probably a good trait of a pilot.

Super honored to lead this morning guys.  
Glad we didn't mosey to the covered patio at the church.  This worked out great.