House of Pain – Jump Around

Event Date

Mar 16, 2022

Jump Around by House of Pain was the theme for today's beatdown at Hollywood

Appropriate title of the song and appropriate name for the band based on what we accomplished today at Hollywood where 5 of Iso's strongest got together and jumped around.

YHC rolled into the parking lot at 0528 not leaving a lot of time to get ready, I quickly tied my shoes and met up with the rest of the PAX who were waiting patiently. We waited until 0531 in case there were any late arriving PAX, but no one else showed up so off we went.

Warm a rama

  • Mosey from parking lot in front of Total Wine to parking lot in front of Dicks doing High Knees, Butt Kickers, and kareoke along the way
  • Circle up
  • SSH, IST, TS, CP for some stretching

The Thang

  • Plyometrics! Not too much jumping at F3 workouts so I decided to change that this morning
    • Line up at the furthest parking space line
    • Broad jump to each line (5 total) completing an exercise at each line increasing reps (2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
      • Round 1: Mericans
      • Round 2: Lunges (each leg)
      • Round 3: Carolina Dry Docks
      • Round 4: Squats
  • Mosey to side of Movie Theater (can't be called Hollywood without visiting the theater)
    • Find some curb
    • Mohammed Ali x 30 IC
    • Mericans x 10 IC
    • Curb Jumps x 20 OYO
    • LBC x 20 IC
    • Mohammed Ali x 20 IC
  • Mosey to wall of theater
    • Stand with your left side to the wall, 10 jump squats trying to reach higher after each jump
    • Wall Sit w/ Overhead Press x 10 IC
    • Flapjack jump squats for right side
  • Mosey to where Charming Charlies used to be
    • 15 Step ups each leg with a hop at the top
    • 15 Dips IC
  • Mosey back to Launch stopping at all two sided stairsets jump up the stairs, walk down, and 10 mericans at the bottom
    • There were only 2 of said stairsets so I had to make up for that a little later on
  • Stop at the construction scaffolding for 10 pull ups
  • As mentioned there were only 2 stairsets so I didn't think we got in enough jumping and needed to make up for that.
    • Broad jump up parking deck ramp, after 10 jumps do one burpee, repeato until you get to the top
    • Wall sit, 10 Seal Claps IC
  • Mosey back to launch


  • 20 LBC's IC
  • Find a parking spot line and face it, jump over and back x 20 IC
  • 20 Low Flutter IC
  • 20 Line Jumps side to side switching sides half way
  • 20 Low Dolly IC
  • Repeato Line Jumps but with 1 leg
  • A little bit of pigeon to close it out

Recover Recover

Name o rama



  • Nice work by all the PAX this morning, I know jumping was not what you expected but y'all crushed it!
  • If you have questions about the construction in Birkdale, Hat Trick is your guy, he had all the answers this morning.
  • Thank you Goodlife for the opportunity to lead

Until next time……. Mr. H