Some Qs Last a Full Hour

With a QvQ happening elsewhere, YHC had to think out of the box to ensure a good turnout. As the mist began to fall and Gnarly Goat was opining about a “5” looking like a kindergarten “2” and why that qualified for an immediate segue to coffee, the cars began rolling in. Omega was under the impression that he was attending a QvQ challenge thanks to a clever preblast, and he would get his wish fulfilled by a single pax with multiple variations on his nickname.

The bells tolled early today, and as the last of 7 were chiming we started out Mosey towards the bell tower. We took a left for some Karaoke, first in one direction and then in the other. Kudos to Toxic for supporting my girth on the second half. At the far corner of the lot we stoppd for some 9-Lives inspired Billy Blanks — ducking under the chains for a pow-pow-pow with our fists on each side. From there is it was Quadrophelia to the Pull-up bars where the pax had an opportunity to each do max reps — you vs you style — while the rest of us did AMRAP SSH. We continued until everyone side straddled a bit. 

Next, each man chose a log he could be proud of and moved to an open space along the northern edge of the lot. Prior to log festivities we added some Windmills, a plethora of plank exercises including Peter Parkers, Mountain Climbers and Slow Merkins, and finally some Cotton Pickers aka Long Snappers aka Dwight Schrutes aka Carrot Pullers.

Then it was back to the logs for parking lot suicides:

  • 2 Squats
  • Zamperini to next island
  • 2 Merkins on log
  • Run back to start
  • Repeato adding 1 rep to squats and merkins each round

At the opposite end we lined up to compare logs. We each had an opportunity to handle each man’s log before passing them between our legs, first forward, then back. Then farther apart and farther still untile we were at the east end of the lot. We again Zampernini’d a ways until we were 3 curbs away from the tire lying in the lot. 

The rules were simple: each man throws his log as many times as necessary until he gets it in the hole. The number of heaves it took is the number of Burpees you would do afterwards. Goat had to get control of his log early on. Omega overshot the hole a number of times. Troll was the first to pick up on the roll which was straight and true.

After the burpees, we returned the logs in favor of blocks and lined up one man at the end of each adjacent parking line. Starting at one end, you would flip the tire to the next line then grab your block and move to the far end. Each man takes turn flipping the tire and moving forward. Some men were proactive and added some merkins or Al Gores while they waited.

At the far end, we lined the blocks up for the Zipper. Omega led the exercise he patented involving merkins down the block line, alternating between staggered merkins with one hand on a block, then the next and both hands on a block. I don’t know about everyone else, but YHC’s shoulders were smoked by the end. We took turns fliping the tire back to it’s hidey hole while everyone else returned the blocks.

The pax had a second opportunity for max rep pull ups while the rest did WWII situps. Once everyone was back in the circle, we did an additional 10 WWIIs each Then it was a Prison Break back to the cars for a few minutes of Mary. YHC started us off with Heels to Heaven. Deep Dish was next with Rosalita. Holiday’s offering included Pretzel Crunches on both sides. Toxic graciously passed on his turn so that Shaken could end the workout with a Pigeon stretch.

Following the workout, Omega invited anyone wiling to vote for him to post at PAINinsula on Tuesday for a QvQ against Cobra Kai (the rest could post at Gladiator for the other QvQ matchup). We prayed for Deep Dish’s friend struggling with diabetes as well as Troll who is looking for work in a Sales Training & Enablement capacity. With the mist increasing in intensity, we moved the party to Summit where Toxic picked up the tab for 5 of us.

Thanks to all for giving me an opportunity to lead this morning. Special thanks to Skipper (MECA) and Troll for posting following their E90 checkin this morning. I look forward to seeing E-Trade at more workouts and to seeing the Mighty Jungle flag returned to its rightful AO. Deep Dish, Holiday and Shaken were MightyJungle #kotters that were appreciated as were the old guard of Toxic and Gnarly Goat (even though Goat had to slip out at the 45-minute mark). And last but not least, a special thanks to Omega for covering the Twelve (the Q took care of the Six).