Blocks in the sand

Event Date

Mar 19, 2022


4 men arrived to get sandy and do some block work.  


5 x Dippy Birds each leg

20 x SSH

10 x Windmills

10 x Merican toe touches

10 x Copperhead squats

The Thang

Mosey to back, 10 pull ups.  Grab two blocks and mosey with partner to clubhouse swapping block along the way.

At clubhouse 4 stations: Counter is lap around the sidewalk trail, while one station does murder bunnies in sand volleyball court, other is block throw over the volleyball net (good fun), and last is flutterkicks.

Next round is counter as suicides in parking lot, while one station does curls with block, other does skull crushers and last does ukranian twists. 

Rotate back to volleyball court and do that round again as well as the parking lot suicide round.

Mosey back with blocks back to AO, blocks up, 10 pullups. 


“Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled, but whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.” —Matthew 23:12

It’s March, and in the USA college basketball tournaments, known fondly as “March Madness,” are in full swing. Hundreds of athletes have trained diligently for months and are competing for the chance to be exalted as “Number One.”
An athlete practices to make his or her vertical jump higher and jump shot more accurate. We disciples of Jesus, however, must train ourselves to grow in humility much more diligently than any athlete trains to win a tournament. “Athletes deny themselves all sorts of things” to win a contest (1 Cor 9:25), but “the discipline of religion” and training in humility “with its promise of life here and hereafter” is “incalculably more” important than any athletic contest (1 Tm 4:8). They train to win a trophy; we train to spend eternity with Jesus!


-Cheetah passed on some restrictive articles of clothing to yours truly- thanks!  Hard to breathe!

-Tonka peeled out of the parking lot to go paste some kids with paintball!

-Good to see Strudel back on a Saturday, gotta see this dog sometime soon!


Fair Winds and Following Seas
