Choices…the easier road is easy for a reason!

Decisions and choices are what define us.  The choices we make shape who we are as men.  Often, when presented with a choice, some men know which choice to make but don’t do it because it is too dang hard.  This was the case at #Titan this morning. 

YHC was forced out of Q retirement this morning and I could have easily taken my name off the calendar that is on some website, somewhere – but I did not.  I made the harder choice and showed up to only find three other MEN willing to take on the challenge.  I put out a traditional pre-blast Sunday afternoon to give the PAX plenty of time to re-arrange schedules and plan to attend.  I even presented all with a choice…if you want an easy workout go to Q v Q (easier choice) or if you want a hard workout come to Titan.  As it turns out, it seems that 32 PAX made the easier workout choice and went to Q v Q – they will have to live with that choice for the rest of their lives.

Now that I got that out of my system…The MEN that did show for Titan were glad they did.  After a brief run from the pool, we circled up and did some of the standard F3 warm up – however, my defiance and disappointment at the low numbers caused me to violate the “rules” and make the MEN do Seal Claps, a non-standard warm up exercise.  I am sure that the Q v Q’s followed the rules for their warm ups since that was the easier choice.  As a matter of fact, it looked like in the video name-o-rama that none of the PAX were actually sweating (but it could just be the camara angle), but I digress.  Following the non-standard warm up, we proceeded to do a little half moon run and exercise combinations where Gambini performed perfect reps for each exercise and the Q did not (soccer arms).  As we made our way around part of the Latta AO we stopped periodically for some of the PAX to catch their breadth, talk about life’s ironies and do some exercises that will eventually make them stronger.  We finished up exactly at 0615 as per the “rules”, did out name-o-rama, made sure the PAX were aware of the Christmas party in December, prayed and then said our goodbyes.


In between the running, we learned that Gambini beat 9Lives at the most recent Q v Q – which to my surprise was the upset of the century that no one was talking about.  9Lives is a legend-ish around these parts.  It’s like a #1 seed loosing to the #16 seed or the old guard losing to new guy.  None the less, we contemplated swinging by The Sword to cast our vote for Gambini to drive the point home a little more (even though he was not in this day’s Q v Q), but thought better of it

Good to see stray coming back more consistently these days.  However, the thought of starting an AO in Vermillion died a quick death.  It turns out, Stray does not know any of his neighbors even though he has lived their for 3-years.  #anti-social

Turns out Memo used to live with his 24 kids in the first house on the left as you come into Latta Springs.  But interestingly, he moved out not because the house wasn’t big enough, but because he wanted his own pool…so I say, welcome to Cashion Woods.

It was so great to see all my fellow Incog’s out this morning – Jolly, Calypso, Landshark, BEP, THM, Mooch, Turnpike, Jenny – it was almost like you were there, almost.

In closing, I kid because I care!  Was I disappointed that more PAX didn’t show for the best workout this morning – yes.  Was I disappointed that the Incog’s didn’t show despite me posting the workout to all social media channels, 5 text channels and the three sub-stack channels – yes! but I know that Ultraman and his paparazzi – despite being a career runner – delivers an epic beatdown when he steps up to Q!  So, in the interest of free and fair voting, I have completed my ballot harvesting of all the Incog votes and it turns out they all voted for Ultraman (since they don’t even know who the other Q is)

Proceed with the negative comments

TBone Out!!!