Slow Feet Don’t Eat

Event Date

Mar 23, 2022

I made an attempt to recruit for Gears & Beers tomorrow… you can even ride your peloton at home then join us.. trust me you should be able to get the 18 miles in quick on the stationary bike then grab the table! 

Cotton Pickers 
Toy Soldiers
Arm Circles 

Partner Chipper 100 Total of Each Exercise (Tip: Pick Mater he runs the fastest.)

KB Swings  


Air Squats 


SB Clean and Press   Everyone was lucky I only had two sandbags… these would have hurt.  Flutter Kicks instead 

Ballistic Row – lawn mower pulls 


Mountain Climbers

High Pull 

Plank until the everyone finished.  

Finished with 10 Burpees each… then some stretching.  Stretching saved the day.. 


"Being Present in the Present" 

"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16 

This last minute devotion seems to keep reoccuring.  Dr D talked about only watching sports, then as I wasted time in the car to delay waking up the M (AGAIN) on the good ole IG I saw a post from a sponsered page "100dad" about the same topic.  "When Dad is exhausted from working all day… The best thing you can do is…. catch a ball, play house, wrestle, play anything.  It says.. I missed you, I like you, engages kids and creates a bond, creates memories for life.  BUT dads are tired and drained.  Find ways to reset and switch gears: Shower, Change, Talk to Mom, Imporove your conditioning, podcast or music on drive home. Go All In: Burst out of the gate and play hard, play like a kid, forget adult stuff and have fun, use imagination, be creative, be silly.  No Phones, No TV, No divided attention."  

A good example of the above is Hefty.. as I looked at Strava he skipped this morning to run with TK… while Kaczynski just skipped after I invited him.