P200 Taper Friendly Workout at Night Ranger

FNG-1 = Yogi, FNG-2 = Bondo, neither on the website.  Yogi of course is Swanson's Dad, and a #TripleRespect.  Bondo is a young and very fit friend that Pit Stop brought out.  Also Motorboat is not the Race City Motorboat who we've known for years, but there is no way to differentiate Pax with the same name so alas, he shall get credit.  Our Motorboat tonight is actually relatively new to F3, and apparently one has to mime motorboating when saying his name.  I don't know, it's a Night Ranger thing what can I say?

On a nice pleasant spring evening at Night Ranger, here is roughly what went down:

6:30 PM:  The Run Standard…er wait apparently the usual standard start time is 6:45 PM.  Despite the very early #PB, Camelback didn't get the message until 6:14 or 6:05 depending on who you ask.  And someone forgot to tell Twitter-less Something.  So…at 6:36 PM we were finally off.  Covered 2.5 miles with Camelback, Crocs, and Swanson.  Believe Pit Stop and Something ran together.  For many of us, the pace was nice and the conversation about area high school football and basketball was pleasant.  For some of us, the pace was blisteringly fast and I won't say who but let's just say Team Taco has their work cut out for them at the P200 this weekend.

7:15 PM:  With Carpet Bagger present, we stayed on campus.  And with the P200 this weekend, we kept it light and hopefully warmed up some important running muscles.


  • Mosey to the basement with some high knees and butt kickers
  • Circle up at the bottom, disclaimer given
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean Farmers (Tennessee style?) x 15 IC
  • Elbow plank x 1 min, two legged glute raise x 1 min
  • Repeato
  • Repeato, again

The P200 Taper Friendly Thang:

Everyone grab a block.  We did:

  • Overhead block press x 10 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Slow deep squats x 30 IC, being sure to touch your backside on your block
  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • Calf raises L / R x 15 each leg OYO
  • Overhead block press x 10 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Squats holding block x 15 IC

Intermission:  Mosey to the top deck, hustle back down stairs.  Return to our circle.

  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • Calf raises L / R x 15 each leg OYO
  • Skull crushers x 10 IC
  • Full curls x 10 IC
  • Elbow plank x 1 min here?  Memory fuzzy
  • Bent over rows x 10 IC
  • Block chest press x 15 IC
  • Mericans x AMRAP until fail

Return blocks.  Hustle up to the top deck again, Quadraphilia all the way this time.  Return via the stairs towards my car in the parking lot, for Mary.


  • Left / right quad stretch ~20 seconds each
  • Hamstring stretch x 20 seconds
  • Right / left pigeon stretch
  • Upward facing cobra dog
  • Groin / butterfly / cobbler stretch
  • Straight leg stretch
  • Bend left knee to chest stretch, then "do this thing" which is kind of like straighten out your leg in the air
  • Same for right side

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 1.23 miles.


  1. Prayers for the family of a young man named Gavin in our community who was lost far too young.
  2. Good to meet Bondo last night.  He crushed this workout and we hope he'll join for a beverage one of these Night Rangers. 
  3. Good to also meet Motorboat.  YHC questioned his choice of sweatpants on a warm night, and coming from me that says something.  Motorboat was recruiting Pax for sailing on Thursday nights and landed a few takers, including…
  4. …Pit Stop who grew up with his own 40 foot Bayliner or something similar and it sounds like these 2 will hit it off nicely.  We were all also very amused by the guy in the bar yelling loudly about interest rates and other economic topics to anyone who would listen.  Pit Stop wanted to recruit him for a Ted Talk, lol.
  5. Something once again hurt my feelings by calling this a "Master's Workout" which is really code for "Turnpike is old".  Words hurt my friend, words hurt.  Lol.
  6. Yogi out there crushing the workout.  But his choice of a smaller block only meant he had to go lower on the slow deep squats.  Checkmate, my friend.
  7. Appreciate catching up with Strutter as always.  The banter was great especially when Strutter kept asking if we were using our blocks as every exercise was called.  Strutter did have a good suggestion to call 25 Burpees to drown out the mumble chatter…
  8. …and Camelback was worried about YHC as well with all the talking.  To be honest, I don't even pay attention to it in real time!  It is fun to reflect back on it later, though.  Appreciate the convo during our run buddy.  Camelback was a 2 sport star at Hopewell, where my daughter now attends.  Time flies.
  9. Swanson jokingly asked at 6:25 if I'd ever been to Night Ranger before.  Yeah well…I mean…sometimes I do it.  This was actually only my 3rd Q ever at this AO, it is just hard to manage most Wednesday.  Well, before you left the bar last night I forgot to mention:  Please save us some beers after you guys finish the P200.  We'll hopefully be right behind you bud.
  10. Somehow Carpet Bagger was able to get up and down the steps quickly and encouraged us last night.  Appreciate that bud!  CB also insisted on making several of the exercises more difficult last night.  Cobains, YHC had to keep it taper friendly so as not to hurt too many muscles!
  11. Crocs, man.  That boy can mumble chatter with the best of them!  Appreciate you letting me lead and thanks for tolerating an easier than usual taper workout.  Also thanks for the hard apple cider that to YHC felt like 3 beers for some reason.  Good times as usual at Night Ranger.