Sweet 16

Event Date

Mar 26, 2022


3 Arrived to put in some work on a beautiful cool Saturday morning. Everything was based on doing 16 reps of everything  since I was thinking the sweet 16 was still going on.
Then Shirley let me know it was already down to the elite 8. OOPS. We started with 16 anyway. 


jog to top of hill. Mosey back. 

16 of everything.  SSH, windmills, merkins, squats, grandma maters, high knees, karaoke. 

The Thang

Mosey to playground to get block then jog with block to open corner lot.

Round 1

16 gorilla squats then gorilla walk across the lot then 16 gorilla squats then gorilla walk back to start.

16 gorilla push-ups then gorilla lateral walk across lot then 16 gorilla push-ups then gorilla laterial walk back to start.

16 scull crushers then lungs  across the lot then 16 imperial walkers then lungs back to start.

16 block curls then sprint across lot then 16 burpees then sprint back to start. 

Round 2 

Repeat round 1

Round 3 

Repeat round 1 except we changed the count to 8 

Round 4 

Repeat round 1 ecpxcept changed the count to 4

Return blocks to playground and time was up. 

Things I learned. 
These are some of the best work out guys one could ask for. I still can't keep up with them but they're always encouraging to everyone no matter what pace we're at. With that I say Thank you 


Alma 7:23 and now I would that ye should be humble and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being deligent in keeping the commandments of god at all times; asking for whatsoever things he stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always return thanks unto god for whatsoever things ye do receive. 

Being thankful and humble and make sure we always recognize what god has given us.