Java Java Java

Event Date

Mar 31, 2022


Six men ventured into the construction gloom in Birkdale ready for 3 miles to earn some coffee. 

Run to movie theater for warmara.  15 SSH, 15 IST, 15 longsnappers, 15 windmills

Run back on greenway to entrance of Caesar's neighborhood.  Debate whether to go do our exercises on Caesar's lawn…

1st set of painstations:  merkins, LBCs

Run to the park pavilion;  incline merkins, Freddy Mercurys

Run to Elevation church:  decline merkins; heels to heaven

Run to the Faux fountain:  merkins; Suzanne Summers

Back to home base:  finished with merkins, and then some mobility moment by Thug!

Thanks for Omega for taking us out in prayer.

I know you are all surprised that Frogger talked a lot, but he also got Hippie carried away with him!  

Norope and Omega led the way up front and strong!

Lonestar and I carried in the six. 

Stay tuned for next week as Hippie has the Q.  You don't want to miss Hippies Magical Tour!