Who is the Q

Event Date

Mar 31, 2022

Liberace is not on website, but in attendance.  I rolled up expecting a Frontier workout but found out that he was not feeling well and that Amen was going to lead workout. Frontier had taken it from Estwing who would not be able to make it either.  I knew that Amen would bring it but he put it out there to have someone else lead if they wanted so I obliged.  We did some side straddle hops after the pledge at the shovel flag then headed for the rock pile.  

Once there Toxic grabbed rock and I called run around circle then back to rock pile.  Once back and Toxic grabbing rock, run down to bottom of Travolta Hill.  Did some LBC then indian run back to rock pile.  Go ahead and grab a rock and do some curls, burners and merkins then run around the circle again.  Put rocks back and head back to the tree.  We finish my portion of workout with a little mary around tree.  Some were asking beforehand about leaving at 6 for coffee so that was all I had.  After revolt by Toxic, Amen took over and had us at the playground doing dips and pull ups 3 sets of ten each.  Then we did some bear crawls, lunge walks and some JLO with feet on the curb.  Then we passed mary around skipping right past Toxic but we came back to him after much compaining.  

Then recover recover.

Just want to say thanks to Amen for allowing me to lead for the time I did and for being such a great MQ and Q.  Be at Sword on Monday as he takes it to Omega in the final of the QvQ.

Good work everybody…..even you Toxic!
