Life, the Universe, and Everything

Event Date

Apr 02, 2022


A trimmed but mighty group of two swam through the pollen and arrived ready to test themselves.  Plenty of opportunities to be out of breath, struggle, deny pain, and breathe in pollen.
This is how it went done.

4/2 is The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Day…celebrating 42 where reasonable.

SSH, windmills, ISW, Dippy Birds
Merkin around the clock #crowdpleaser

Run to the back and each retrieves a block.

42 second circuit (32s push it + 10s off)
 – block squat thrusters
 – merkins
 – 20" box jump up + step down (we like our Achilles tendons)
 – 25# dumbells, squat, snatch, press
 – bent over block rows
 – run towards the back and return
 – squat jumps (no block)
 – 30# ball slams

anti-rotation interlude
(focusing on core resisting rotations)
 – alternating bird dog
 – 15# weighted dead bugs
 – single arm plank march (bird dog except only arm)
 – standing leg raise + opp arm 15# weighted press
 – pike plank alt toe touches
 – Bennifer #fanfavorite


Tiredness happened.  
Panting and hacking out pollen happened.

Ecclesiastes 3:12-13
"12 I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; 13 also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God's gift to man."
– I love the Douglas Adams's 4-book trilogy, "Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy".  Made me laugh a lot when I was a dorky teen.
– If you ever here someone ask a random question and someone answers, "42," they probably are also a fan of the series.
– In the series, 42 is the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.
– April 2nd, 4/2, 42, figured I'd throw this into the workout and drive the reflection.
– What is the meaning of life?  What is the purpose?
– In Ecclesiastes, after Solomon describes all the things he tried to find purpose in life: wealth, earthly pleasures, etc., he concludes with the above versus.
– Be joyful.  Do good as long as you live.  Everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all your toil.
– Toil is God's gift to man.  This can be confusing.  To me, I have an opportunity to show how joyful I am by being joyful even when work is tough, when the toil is strong.  
– Stand out.  Be the light.  Be joyful.  Do good.  Eat and drink.  Take pleasure in the work God's has put out before us.

– Shirley and I had a good time playing in the pollen.
– Shirley is tired this morning…from this workout and also I'm sure his overnight celebrations for UNC.
– The slam ball is great for stirring up pollen.
– Merkins are great for putting your face in the pollen.
– pollen, pollen, pollen.
– strong effort and encouragement in our mini-pax all workout
– T-claps to Shirley for running home at 745 to do a family AND THEN RETURNING when the need was otherwise resolved.  #glutton

Such an honor to lead.