Tour of Hollywood

10 of the finest F3 has to offer gathered for a little tour of Hollywood.  It was great to see Travolta again, but when Soprano showed up I knew I was gonna have to bring it on SSH. I settled on 50 IC. We also did IST WM longsnappers merkins and squats.

We moseyed around the closest building stopping at each corner doing an exercise at each. As we made our way towards the movie theater we went up and down each set of stairs stopping along the way for an exercise. Once at the theater we did some peoples chairs with a little touch dem heels. We then were off to the rock pile. Once all PAX returned to lot by the pool we did some rock exercises.  Colt 45, THE burpee, squats, shoulder press, skull crushers, BRO, of course burners and in honor of Travolta, blast off merkins. After we put the rocks back we headed for the other set ofof buildings to run up and down stairs with exercises at corners then back to start.  PAX choice for MARY then recover recover.

 Great work guys.  Thanks to Goodlife for the opportunity to lead. Keep signing up we still need Q's. 
Amen peace out!