Any Q Will Do

Event Date

Apr 11, 2022

FNG-1 Indiana Jones, FNG-2 Eienhorn, FNG-3 Shingles.

No Assigned Q so Sparrow being the oldest and slowest drew the short straw.  
Warm Up: 20 x SSH, 10 Daisy Pickers, 10 Windmills, 10 Storm Troopers

 Beat Down:

Mosey lap around Parking lot with 10 Merkins at each corner.  Each pax then Picked and lead exercise fromF3 card deck; high knees, WW II SU, WWI SU, Plank Jack, Backward Run, AS Squats, 100 arm circles, Chuck Norris Merkins, Carolina DD, LOw slow Squats, jumping lunges, sprint 400 meters, low plank 60 s, ranger Merkins, 100 calf raises, butt kick to top of lot, BSplit squats, S Tap, high plank 90 s, karaoke to top, ranger merkins.

Mary, Mary was contrary so we skipped her.

Reflection led by Thrift Shop from 2 Timothy 2:15, "Be diligent to present yourself to God as a worker who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth."

Prayed out.  Thanks to all the pax who pitched in to make this a  varied and fun workout.