The Estate 16-Apr-2022

Event Date

Apr 16, 2022

Cobains for the late Backblast.  Below is roughly what we did Saturday at The Estate.


  • 2 short island laps including Quadraphilia, Karaoke, side shuffles, and high knees.
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 10 IC
  • SLOW windmills x 10 IC
  • Mosey to the track

The Thing:

  • "4 corners" on the track which included dips, Mericans, Slow deep squats, step ups, and shoulder-touch Mericans

Everyone get a block for some Tabata work.  There were 10 intervals of 1 minute AMRAP, with a generous 25 seconds of rest in between.  Exercises included:

  • Block overhead press
  • Bent over block row
  • Elbow plank
  • Glute raise
  • Block press
  • Jump over your block
  • Curls
  • LBCs?
  • Muhamed Ali's on your block
  • Burpees

Recovery lap around the track.  Return to the blocks.

  • 1 person farmer carries 2 blocks a ways, while the other Pax did AMRAP squats, LBCs, Mericans.  Then we circled up again for:
  • Overhead press x 10 IC
  • Bent over row x 10 IC
  • Lawn mower x 8 each arm AMRAP
  • Curls x 10 IC then hold in flexed position
  • Might be forgetting a couple things here, Cobains.

Recovery lap around the lower soccer field.  Circle up for a long Mary.  (~10 minutes)


  • Calf, hamstring, quad, pigeon, and cobbler stretches
  • A couple other stretches there isn't really a name for
  • Low flutters x 20 IC ?
  • Might be forgetting a couple things here, Cobains.

Recover, recover.  We covered 1.63 miles according to Strava.


  1. It was a light workout with lots of fun mumblechatter.  But in the end, most importantly…
  2. …Camelback's Mom is doing better.  We prayed for her continued improvement.  And…
  3. …MQ Rooter's baby #2 arrived healthy over the weekend.  Congrats my friend!