Just PLOPIN in the Rain

Event Date

Apr 18, 2022

I was not sure what to expect when I woke to rain this morning.  Four more would join me for what would end up being a very wet PLOP. 
Gave disclaimer and Psalm 118:24 then quick warmup.





run back to grab block

 We started by the blocks and worked our way around the Arnie's track two times.  We went from one up to ten adding one at each line for a total of 55 of each exercise. Between each exercise we ran lap around track to block.  Exercises are as follows….

 curls, squats, overhead press, calf raises, skull crushers, BRO, upright row, burners, swings and more curls for the girls.

 Put blocks back then ran over to the tree in the circle.  The object is to keep us off the ground so we finished up with Rocky Balboa, there again with punches, incline merkins then of course finish out off with JLO.

 Thanks gentlemen for joining me on the rain!  
Thanks Tammy Faye for the keys

 Amen peace out!