YHC Got Hurt “doing” J-Lo at Fallout

Event Date

Apr 19, 2022


Not registered yet and thus not in the pax list:

Kool Aid (possibly Cool Aid – YHC looked for both) and

FNG 2 = Reid Beaver (hospital name).  2nd post.  F3 knickname as of today = Drebin.  As in, Lt Frank "Drebin".  Famous quote from this fictional lieutenant:  "Nice Beaver"  (Naked Gun).  SOLID idea compliments of T-Bone.  Excellent EH from Gambini.  Drebin crushed it today.  Looked like he'd been doing F3 as long as 'Hoff has been teaching.

8 pax including the Q emerged in the annoyingly cold gloom at R Berry Park this morning.  T-Bone's vehicle was immediately noticed – not because it's a nice beaver, I mean Beamer, and not because he was intentionally calling attention to his presence by activating his car alarm, but because it was Tuesday 5:25AM (Fallout = Bootcamp), not Wednesday (Ludicrous Speed).  YHC almost panicked – thought perhaps I'd overslept by 24 hours.

We exchanged pleasantries, found out we had a 2nd post FNG and a pax YHC hadn't met before (Kool Aid).  Then here's how it went down from there.

Super-slow mosey (some might say we walked) down to circle up at the bottom of the parking lot for warm-o-rama.  Warm-o-rama was the usual SSHs, ISTs, Long Snappers, Good Mornings and Windmills.

Grab a block, walk it to the first corner of the track.  Blocks down.

First exercise:  J-Lo x 10 IC

Full lap around the track

Back to the start:

COLT 45 (low curls, high curls, full curls all x 15 IC)

Skull Crushers x 20 IC

Lawn Mower Pulls x 12 IC each arm

Chest Press x 25 IC

J-Lo x 10 IC


All the curls again, but because of a "correct answer" to the trivia question, reduce rep count to 12 IC

Skull Crushers x 18 IC

Lawn Mower Pulls x 10 IC

Chest Press x 20 IC

J-Lo x 10 IC (now at 30)


All the curls again x 10 IC.  Things went a little South here for YHC as my back locked up on about #8.

T-Bone took over and called cadence for Skull Crushers while YHC tried to gather my breathe and wits.

Believe BEP called Lawn Mowers

Then YHC was in position (flat on back) already, so YHC called chest press x 20 IC I think.

Flip it over as we're running out of time (and ability to move for the Q).  J-Lo x 20 IC (VERY carefully)

On your 6 for 90 secs of Mary:

Jackknife LBC x 12 each leg.

Recover, recover.  Count off, name-o-rama, name Reid, announcements and prayer requests.  I believe it was Gambini who then carried my block back for me.  Ouch.

Good coffeteria after with Jenny and BEP, where we had drop-ins by Capone (promises to visit at an upcoming Cauldron) and Lawn Dart (no excuse for driving AWAY from Fallout to go to a gym this morning).

That's the BB.  The Force is OUT.
