It Sounded Good on Paper

Event Date

Apr 20, 2022

4 of Iso's strongest came out to Mighty Oak this morning, here's what happened.

FNG-1 = POS (Couldn't find on website)


0530 Warmarama

Serpentine pattern through the parking lot including high knees, butt kickers, and kareoke

Circle Up



Toy Soldier

Long Snapper



The Thang

Mosey to spheres in carpool line

Running 11's 

  • Bear crawl from Sphere 1 – 10, 10 Mericans
  • Crab walk from 10 – 1, 1 Merican
  • Repeato going 2-9, 9-2, 3-8, 8-3, etc until you get to spheres 6 and 5
    • I didn't think about how much stress the bear crawl and crab walk would put on our wrists so we modified to a bear crawl/crab walk to the higher number and a lunge walk back to the lower number about halfway through

Mosey to ledges in front of school

10 Step Ups each leg OYO

1 Legged Split Squat: x 10 IC One Leg

Incline Merican x 10 IC

1 Legged Split Squat x 10 IC other leg

Decline Merican x 10 IC

1 Legged Split Calf Raise x 10 IC each leg


Mosey to back of school and grab a block

Line up at parking lot

AMRAP Curls/Overhead press while one PAX ran across parking lot to playground for 5 pull ups and back. Continue doing curls/overhead press until all 4 PAX did pull ups

AMRAP Squats/Calf Raises while one PAX ran across parking lot to furtherst basketball hoop for 5 burpees and back. Continue doing curls/overhead press until all 4 PAX did burpees

Return blocks and mosey back to launch



Newly Named Exercise the "Criss Cross Applesauce" Start in "Homer" but with one leg over the other. On 1 and 2 criss cross legs while raising them up to "Marge" on 3 and 4 criss cross legs while returning to "Homer" x 10 IC


Recover Recover

Name o rama



  • Got nervous/ a little excited when I pulled up at 0525 to see no one else there. My bed was calling, but in the end I'm glad the PAX showed up!
  • Good to see Tuffy out there, were all here for you and your family if you need anything.
  • Nice to meet POS! Hope to see you out there some more!
  • Estwing got some ideas with the numbered spheres in front of the school, watch out for his next Q at the Mighty Oak

Thanks Kosar for the opportunity to lead


Until next time……. Mr. Holland