You’re supposed to sit on a bench

Event Date

Apr 30, 2022


Possum and Hotbox met up for a multi-mile ruck beforehand

YHC ran a couple laps on the track which led to an idea for a later part of the workout, but I won't spoil that here.

Jersey Boy and Bagboy roll with Moses not far behind and off we go.

Warm a rama

Mosey down to the soccer field, circle up

SSH x 20 IC

IST x 15 IC

Long Snapper x 10 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

Toy Solidier x 10 IC

The Thang

Line up along baseline (Waffle House wasn't there as our soccer guru to correct me if I was wrong)

Soccer Field suicides

  • Run to line: 10 Mericans
  • Run back to baseline: 10 Squats
  • 6 lines = 60 Mericans and 60 Squats

Lunge Walk to each line, 10 WW2 sit ups at each = a lot of lunges and 60 WW2's

Mosey to football field at Bailey Middle, stop and do 10 pullups OYO along the way

Line up at goal line

  • during my jog I flipped the long bench over and pushed it a little and it was tough so I had to incorporate it later

One PAX pushes the bench the length of the football field (100 yards) while the rest of the PAX quadraphelia'd alongside. One round of exercises below after each puch

  • Round 1: 10 Jump Squats OYO, 10 Everything But Your Toes Raises IC, 10 Mericans IC
  • Round 2: 10 Bonnie Blairs each leg OYO, 10 Hillbillies IC, 10 CDD's IC
  • Round 3: 10 Burpees OYO
  • Rounds 4-6: Repeato of rounds 1-3

YHC pushed for round 6 and it got the best of me, had to take a break and almost spill some merlot, while Possum took the lead for me!

After composing myself I rejoined the group and we moseyed to the other side of the track

Grab a hurdle for some exercises YHC did during my HS track days

Curl x 15 IC

Overhead Press x 15 IC

Leg raises over the hurdle x 10 IC (1-2 Lifting legs over to one side, 3-4 returning them back to original side)

5 Hurdle Jumps

Some agility drills in and out of the hurdles

5 More Hurdle Jumps

Return hurdles and mosey back to launch


20 LBCs IC

45 second plank

Recover Recover

Name o rama



  • Great work this morning!
  • That bench push was terrible. I vow that all my Q's will include some form of that when possible
  • Moses missed out on some nice weather conversation at the beginning, you snooze you lose!
  • Relived my "glory days" of being a mediocre track athlete with those hurdle exercises, thanks for indulging me!
  • Great encouragement during the bench push. Those 100 yards were really tough and everyone was cheering each other on to help push us through the line
  • Thanks GrayGhost for the opportunity to lead.

Until next time……. Mr. H