Mr Holland is a Disney Princess

Event Date

May 02, 2022


6 of Iso's best were at Titan this morning and here's what happened.


YHC has been lazy about getting up for standards, but I showed up about 12 minutes early so I took an easy jog for a mile to warm up. Upon return, Gambini, Popcorn, Hotbox, and Stray were waiting. Tantrum came running in just a minute later and off we go.



  • Mosey to the Latta Springs Loop
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Long Snapper x 10 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Peter Parker Mericans x 10 IC

There was a comment of how we were just going to warm up for 44 minutes then head back due to the length of the warm up, this was not the first instance of some mumblechatter directed at the Q. More to come later.

The Thang

  • Fast mosey about a quarter mile to the Canoe Cove intersection
    • Squats x 15 IC
    • Calf Raises x 20 IC
    • CDD x 15 IC
  • Fast mosey all the way around loop to the other intersection of Canoe Cove
    • All IC: 5 Mericans, 5 Diamond Mericans, 5 Wide Mericans, 5 Mericans
    • Close Heel Squats
      • The best form to do squats is this way. There were comments of how PAX felt dainty or like dancers here due to the exercise
  • Fast mosey back to starting point (almost 1 mile)
    • LBC x 20 IC
    • 20 WW2's OYO

At this point a black cat came over. Being the animal lover I am I called it over and it was very fat and very friendly. More to come

  • Reverse lap stopping at the same stops doing 5, then 10, then 15 burpees at each stop

The black cat was still there when we got back and of course I called it over again for some more pets. This is where the title of the backblast came as Tantrum asked if I were a Disney Princess because of my affection towards the cat (instance 2 of mumblechatter directed at the Q)

Slow mosey back to launch


  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Jane Fonda x 20 IC Each Side
  • Little Baby Extension x 10 IC
  • Hold a Deep Lunge
    • Overhead press x 10 IC
    • Curl x 10 IC
      • At this point, Tantrum questioned my toughness as a Q saying that this was a warm up exercise and was saying my Q was not tough enough. Retaliation is on the way
    • Switch legs and repeat exercises
  • Retaliation for all the mumble chatter at my expense: 10 More Burpees

Recover Recover

Name a rama



  • The more mumble chatter the better the Q? Idk if that's true, but that's what I'm going with.
  • Great work by all PAX this morning, good to see you again Stray, its been a while!
  • Popcorn and Gambini crushed it leading the pack throughout, strong work!
  • I finally got Hotbox to shed the hoodie at a workout!
  • Tantrum was the leader of the mumblechatter, watch out for him.
  • Lots of talk about some relay race in October(?) coming up. They're looking for members if you're interested!
  • Q school on 5/20: Location TBA. EH someone who should be there!
  • Thanks Jingle Bells for the opportunity to lead


Until next time……. Mr. H