No, It’s not my Birthday

17 Pax gathered in the gloom in the shadow of the Harris Teeter.  FNG – Phil Goodman joined us courtesy of an EH from Cobra Kai.  That's his 12th FNG – strong work.

As Outlaw welcomed me to his playground – he wished me a Happy Birthday.  As my birthday was last month – I was confused, but suspect he was hoping I would pick up the tab for coffeteria to celebrate.  (Fast forward to post workout – I was contemplating picking up coffee for the crew – but Moses beat me to the punch.  Happy Birthday Moses!!)

Warm-O Rama

– Mosey to the side parking lot.  All of your favorites – SSH, Windmill, IST, Mountain Climbers, Toy Soldiers

– I'm not sure if Cobra Kai can't count, or if he has a master plan to throw the Q off by loudly counting incorrectly for nearly every exercise.  Happy Birthday Cobra Kai !!


– Mosey to the base of Horseshoe and find a partner

– Partner A – runs to the top of the hill, Partner B – does AMRAP of an exercise.  Flip Flop Repeato – THRICE

– Exercises – Mericans, Squats, LBCs

– Find a spot on the guardrail for…

– One Leg Squats 10IC each leg

– Incline Mericans 10IC

– Decline Mericans 10 single count OYO

– Dips – 25 Single Count OYO

– Back to the base of the Horseshoe for Round 2

– Same Drill – same 3 Exercises

– Happy Birthday Lonestar !!

– Total Trips up 6 – Mosey to the Rock Pile – One Rock per PAX – head to the Fire Station lot

Rock Exercises were….

– Curls, Overhead Press, Slow Squats, Chest Press, 7 Gun Salute (High Curl, Lowe Curl, Full Curl)

– A question was raised as to what the PAX was supposed to do when the Q announces one exercise and does another.  There was no answer given.  Happy Birthday Stromboli !!

– Put your rocks back – head to the Fire Station flag for the Pledge and a moment of Silence

– Mosey back towards the launch, detour to the courtyard

– Partner A does People's Chair while Partner B does 10 step ups IC, Flip Flop Repeato

– Round 2 – Repeato with People's Chair and 5 step ups IC

– Mosey towards the launch


– Upon arrival begin WW2 sit-ups, once the 6 arrived we did 5 more

– Pretzel Crunch

– Dying Coackroach

– Downward Dog/Pigeon Series – Happy Birthday Jazzy !!

52 Years + 1 Month Moleskine

– Great group today – was an honor to be among you

– Outlaw collected some $$ to give an extra tip to our favorite Barista Lisa.  We appreciate her smiling face and banter – and she appreciated the gesture.  Be Kind – Always. 

– I was told Q's need to stay off the Horseshoe on a non-Horseshoe day.  But since it wasn't my birthday – I broke the rules.

– Phil Goodman is our FNG – he went to SUNY Binghamton, he is married with a 2.5YO daughter, he works in logistics and he is a Yankees/Giants fan – which pleased some PAX and angered others.  Great to meet Phil and can't wait to see him at a post real soon.   

– Prayers up for the Boesmiller Family as they grieve the death of Jessica – wife to Mark and the mother to 4 kids between the ages of 4 and 13.  We also prayed for Cobra Kai's sister, Melanie, as she continues her treatment for breast cancer.

Birthday or any day – it's always a HOLIDAY with the community that F3 gives us all.  Don't take it for granted and keep expanding our circle.

