Making Ezra better than Ezra

Event Date

May 25, 2022

FNG-1 is Clickbait

FNG-2 is Ezra (new nickname is Jigsaw)

FNG-3 is Jack (Flo-jo's son – new nickname is Gouda Cheese head)


YHC arrived at THE Meatlocker to find Ezra waiting to get to work.  His presence at THE Meatlocker brought out some friendly faces in Clickbait, Flo-jo and his son Jack.  At 0530, we began:




Windmills 10 IC

Toy Soldiers 10 IC

Cotton Pickers 10 IC

mosey a lap


Round 1: partner up

PAX 1 runs to other end of parking lot, while PAX 2 does Burpees.  When PAX 1 returns, the PAXs swap. Repeat until 100 burpees completed

Round 2: 

PAX 1 runs to other end of parking lot, while PAX 2 does WW1s.  When PAX 1 returns, the PAXs swap. Repeat until 100 WW1s completed


Round 3: Count off

PAX 1 moseys to 1st parking lot line and low planks.  PAX 2 jumps over PAX 1 and advances 2 spaces and low planks.  PAX 3  jumps over PAX 1 and 2 and advances 2 spaces and low planks.  PAX4-6 repeats this process.  Once PAX 6 begins his low plank, The process works like an indian run with PAX 1 jumping over all other PAX and advances 2 spaces.  This process repeats until we have done 2 lengths of parking lot


Round 4: Hill work

Bottom of the hill – 15 lunges – 2 is 1

Bear Crawl to top of hill

Top of hill – 15 squats

mosey to bottom of hill

repeato for 3 reps


Round 5: pick a number between 5-10 – grab a block

Flo Jo – 7 (curls)

Mater – 7 (Skull crushers)

Gouda – 9 (squats)

Clickbait – 8 (bent over rows)

Jigsaw – 6 (milk jugs)

Dolittle – 5 (overhead press)

Beginning in a circle we did each exercise listed above in the amount listed consecutively for 3 rounds.


Mosey back to launch pad

Recover, Recover


Scripture: This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged.  For the Lord our God is with you wherever you go.  Joshua 1:9



2 received names today:

Ezra is a father, student, soldier, and man of God who loves to spend time with kids and do puzzles – named Jigsaw for his love of puzzles

Jack is son of Flo-jo, student at Rock Springs, Packers and Braves fan – already had a nickname that we added to – Gouda Cheese Head

The Plank Indian run was a hit with the crowd as noone complained. 

Mater know that Bear Crawls were on the docket when I looked toward the hill

Clickbait didn't enjoy lunges, bearcrawl, and squat combination

Gouda challenged YHC to finish the parking lot mosey strong (full sprint)

Jigsaw made this workout look easy having had his 1st 2 workouts being a 5 mile run and the murph.

Flo-jo stated that he thought he was getting fit doing push-pull on Wednesday but realized that he still had work to do today.  Hope others from push-pull will come join us soon.

Thanks to all of you for coming today to push me and make me better. Look forward to seeing those that were not there in the near future.  Thank you for letting me lead!  Thanks be to God for the Fellowship and Fitness!
