TopGun Trivia at Samson

9 of the Best of the Best came out to Samson for some TopGun Trivia to get in the mode for the TopGun Maverick movie release. 


Mosey over to the back of the parking lot and circled up while doing arm circles

Forward fold, Windmill, Slippery Dip Can, Imperial Squat Troopers


Everybody grab a brick for the COLT 45

Trivia question on the longest range Air to Air Missile.  A:  AIM-54 Phoenix

No one got it right, so 1 burpee to get us ready for bombs

Partner up.  One partner runs the parking lot and back while the other:

Burpees x 50

Overhead Claps x 100

Merkins x 150

Big Boy Situps x 200

Squats x 250

Trivia: What is faster: F-14, F/A-18, or Mig-28 (F-5 in the movie).  A: F-14 of course

Another set of Full Curls. 

Mobility moment, low pigeon and sit and reach. 

Trivia:  What was YHC's call sign?  Vigit, Boards, Chicken, or Terri?  All of the above, at one time, mostly Boards

Recover Recover

Good times had by all.  Thanks to Hoff for the chance to lead. 

See you in the gloom, or the movie theater. 

TG sends, 
