Tabata Tuesday returns

Event Date

May 31, 2022



The Blender

Tabata Tuesday  



SSH 15

Windmills 10

Long snapper 10

Imperial Stormtroopers 10



4 rounds of Tabata 

30 seconds workout 

10 seconds rest

4 exercises per set equals 1 round approximately 9 1/2 minutes 


Round 1


KB swings 

one arm KB snatch (clean) switch arm at whistle 

Upright row with KB

Sit up to KB press 


Repeat 3x


Run around the green space and back to the KB


Round 2



Skoal claps 

KB shoulder press

Pretzel crunch switch at halfway 


Repeat 3x


Run down the sidewalk to the far bench and back to the KB 


Round 3


KB skull crushers 

KB lawn mower pulls switch arms at whistle 

Mericans or hand release mericans 

Low flutter with KB press


Repeat 3x


Run down the sidewalk to the third lit tree and back to the KB


Round 4


KB squat to press 

KB curls

Carolina Dry docks

V up with KB


Repeat 3x (only got through two sets)


Recover recover 




Great work by Popcorn.  I thought it was going to be a sad clown car until right at 5:30 Popcorn rolls in. 


With a few minutes late to begin we only got through 3 rounds.   Plus I just realized my timer was supposed to be 25 seconds of an exercise and 10 seconds rest in between.  Instead the exercises were 30 seconds (probably saved from the Q vs Q). No wonder the fatigue hit sooner. 


Great conversations when we could breathe. 


The Blender is looking for Q’s to sign up. 

