That’s Not How We Do Things Here

Even though I traveled just 2 neighborhooods away to an AO that I have attended several times over the years – I was quickly reminded by all the regulars of how things are done at The Wilderness: where I should have parked, where we go to launch, where warm-o-rama is done – and on and on.  The chatter and the comraderie were all welcome as 12 PAX gathered in the Gloom.  FNG-1 is Dudley


We gathered by the shovel flag – although in my haste to start things off, there was no pledge – apologies.  Apparently, some PAX were at The Wilderness to avoid Uncle Rico at Samson.  Can't say I blame them – although a good ass kicking by UR is defintiely worth the price of admission.  

Mosey around the parking circle and head to the basketball court – passing through a bit of the sprinkler system.

10SSH IC – 1 Burpee, 10SSH IC – 2 Burpees, repeato through 5 Burpees

Windmills, Long Snappers, IST, Toy Solidiers and Mountain Climbers followed by a bit of Downward Dog and stretchy stretch.


Counting what I thought was 11 PAX – I asked someone to grab a rock from the rock pile – Jorel obliged and we headed to the parking lot.  Set the rock aside.  

Everyone find a parking lot line to call your own.  Side hops back and forth over the line x 20.  Front/Back hops over the line x 20, Combine those 2 to the end of your line and back.  Casius Clays x 20 IC

Grab the rock and head to my car, where I had 10 Cinder Blocks.  Unfortunately, I can't count and we needed 12 coupons, not 11.  Fortunately, Ponch carries a block in his car.  Problem solved.  [Side Note – with my trunck open, Ponch asked me if I was overweight.  I thought this might be a trick question – but I think he was referring to my car based on the weight of the blocks.  No citations were issued.]

Circle Up with the 11 blocks and 1 rock.

Curls, Overhead Press, Squats, Bent Over Rows – all x 10 IC.  Repeato.  In a sign of solidarity, the rock was rotated around the circle between exercises.  

Find a partner – Partner A farmer carries 2 blocks across the parking lot and back, while Partner B does an exercise.  

Round 1 + 2 = Mericans (each partner did 2 sets of each exercise AMRAP)

Round 3 + 4 = Squats

Round 5 + 6 = LBCs

Line up in two lines for what turned out to be the worst Indian Run in recorded history.  

Take two with a bit more explanation.  This time the runs went a lot better.  

On a related note – don't forget that next week is DIARRHEA appeciation week.  Runs through Friday.

Return the blocks to the car.

Head to the hill beside the parking lot and spread out.  Picture yourself in a boat on a river.  Actually, no – picture yourself on the face of a clock.  Planking with your head up hill at 12 o'clock.  Next exercise – 12 Mericans IC.  Rotate to 3 o'clock – 12 mericans IC.  Rotate to 6 o'clock – 12 mericans IC.  Rotate to 9:30 – 12 mericans IC.  The 9:30 was to keep Toxic guessing.  He "suggested" that we should have done mericans corresponding to the time.  All part of his desire to "HELP" the Q.


Big Baby Crunch, Pretzel Crunch, Dying Cockroach

Recover, Recover

Blockity Block Moleskine

– Great group this morning – a lot of familair faces and some PAX that I was working out with for the first time.  Everyone can take Hippie's lead and visit multiple AOs.  Get out of your rut – do new things and meet new guys.  Also – follow 9 Lives lead and Q at least once a month.

– I told a few stories in COT about early F3 memories.  One was about running throught he Force's first Q with him on a Sunday afternoon to help him get ready for what I think was his VQ that week.  Ultra Man claims to remember seeing us – which is pretty cool – as this was years ago.  The other story was about a very early post for me – where, as I remember it, it was a Gnarly Goat Q in the pouring rain with only me and Jorel.  F3 – Making Memories While Making Yourself Better (you can use that if you want.)       

– Blessed everyday to be in your company.  I get more than I give.  

